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The e-commerce.

Secure Admin Area


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My thanks to Vger, I now have an installed shop. :D


I read in a magazine article that the best way to secure your admin area was to change the name of the directory and then amend the configure.php file in the includes directory to mirror your new path. I can't seem to find the line which defines the path.


Am I in the right file ?




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Rename the directory as you mentioned, for this example I will adminhidden.


Open the file adminhidden\includes\configure.php (in now renamed folder)


Edit any lines with the reference to admin and change them to the new folder name adminhidden


If I remember right it is the DIR_WS_ADMIN and DIR_FS_ADMIN values that need to be changed. (lines 19 and 20)


Now goto to your site www.yoursite.com/catalog/adminhidden and it should work fine.



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