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Major error! 1226 error max_questions?


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I went to my home page and received this error! What does it mean and how do I fix it?


1226 - User 'washbasi_p_os1' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 50000)


delete from whos_online where time_last_click < '1109360643'



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Your host provider set the maximum number of queries that you can have during a period of time (normally 1 hour). This setting is in the mysql configuration and your host provider needs to increase it (and will probably ask for more $$$ as well).


Alot of good ISPs do not limit the number of queries, and normally it isn't an issue. You are setup as 50000 and thats not real low or high.


After a few minutes your server will begin to function again. However if you are really in business to make money you might want to get the 50000 restriction increased or eliminated.




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I contacted my host and this is the response:


You are getting 'max_questions' error, because your script is not closing the connection when a request is finished. This is typical of the scripts out there this limit is hourly, so every hour it should reset, you are using resources more than 50,000 and this is causing the error. So please check the script at your end or we suggest you to signup for the virtual or dedicated server, where you can set your own limits.


Could there be a script problem? I wouldn't even know where to look.




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Check your catalog/includes/configure.php file at the bottom is


define('USE_PCONNECT', 'false'); // use persistent connections?


If your's is set to true then change it to false.


If it already is false, consider getting a new host provider. Mention to him that your application is not using persistent connections and the connection to the database is released after each query. Even with persistent connections set to true, the number of queries ('max_questions' ) would still be the same.




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