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The e-commerce.

Free templates


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Have you looked on the contributions site? I know for a fact that there are a few there


Also just do a google search for 'free oscommerce templates', it should throw something back at you.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Unfortunately there is nothing free in this world.


Why not install the 'simple template system' and create one of your own using html and something like fireworks?


What sort of a template are you looking for?



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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due to constraints with the forum, we can not recommend anything outside of osCommerce. just search the internet for things and you will find them. if we post external links outside of osCommerce we are in violation of the Forum Terms of Service.

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  • 1 year later...

There isn't much on google for free osCommerce templates. Its bad how people are making money from selling templates for a free software. I have found just one site:




There are quite a few of top quality professional templates. One that may suit you is the Appliances template.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been searching for a OSCommerce template that uses DIVs instead of tables. I am happy to customize it but the code is quite a bear to comb through with all of the tables.


Can anyone recommend a free template that does NOT use tables?



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  • 1 year later...

I know this thread is a little out dated (sorry for the late respons :lol: ) but if any one is still trying to find free templates search google or yahoo for "13 free oscommerce templates" and im sure of those 13 you will like one of them. They are truely free to. Like others I was sceptical about them becuase all of the "FREE" template sites that are truely not free (except for maybe a basic one)



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If you do find a "free" one, you will probably find it is out dated, (thats why its free) You are better off with Marks suggestion and install the Simple Template System.


Mibbles statement seems to be ignored going by the recent responses????

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due to constraints with the forum, we can not recommend anything outside of osCommerce. just search the internet for things and you will find them. if we post external links outside of osCommerce we are in violation of the Forum Terms of Service.

There are a lot a posts in violation, seems no one cares.

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