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Tracking Marketing Campaign


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Hi everyone,

Before you flame me, I tried a variety of searches and could not find the answer. Basically what I am looking for is this:


I am going to start several marketing campaigns consisting of AdWords, BrainFox, Banner Ads, etc.. In order for this to be effective, I need to track the results of each medium. I would like it to be something simple like adding ref=AdWords or the like to the end of my target url. Does anyone know of a contribution to track marketing campaigns like this?


I have tried the Affiliate and Tracking system and have found it is horribly buggy, I would like to try something else.


Thanks a lot,


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I'm not sure which "Affiliate and Tracking system" you are talking about.

However, I recommend osC Affiliate for tracking PCP conversions.


Without any modifications, you can easily get it to work. You sign up each PCP source (such as adwords) with an account and use the "ref" in the links for example www.yoursite.com?ref=1.


With some (undocumented) changes you can also track keywords so your links from Adwords look like www.yoursite.com?ref=1&keyword=widgets


It seems to be a simple solution to a complicated problem.


Let me know if you need further clarification,


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Hi Rob,

Are you talking about the contribution entitled simply "osc Affiliate"? I have not installed this one yet, I tried another one with horrible results. Lemme know if this is the Jewel you talk about..

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