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A couple of osCommerce problems


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Hi I've got a couple of questions on osCommerce..


1. I'm having huge problems with MIME HTML Email working in osCommerce, I've looked through the configuration and set true on the option of "Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails" but it still doesn't work, every email or newsletter I send from the store is ending up as non MIME HTML Email, But if I preview the newsletter it's getting in HTML but when I send it to my email it turns out as none HTML.. I talked to the admin of the server and he's says it's ok.. So this must be something in osCommerce!


2. I want to sort the product list by the manufactors name instead of product name, I've manage to pull this off on the first page but when you have more then one product listing pages it turns out wacko and sorts after product name again, the same thing if you first show from a certain manufactor and then go back to show all.. I just simply want to sort them by manufactors name.. Anyone can help me?


3. I've got this problem with the product listing, when I visit the osCommerce demo shop it's adjusting to the size of the browser window, but mine is so minimal, I've tried to change it's size in index.php but I'm not a code freak and can't find the variables where you change the size.. Could any tell me this? (Posting a picture of it here: http://www.tigerstorm.se/oscproblem.gif )


4. What's the best way to add information on Shipping&Return,Contact us and such, so it goes along with the same CSS file as the rest of page ?

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Hi I've got a couple of questions on osCommerce..


1. I'm having huge problems with MIME HTML Email working in osCommerce, I've looked through the configuration and set true on the option of "Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails" but it still doesn't work, every email or newsletter I send from the store is ending up as non MIME HTML Email, But if I preview the newsletter it's getting in HTML but when I send it to my email it turns out as none HTML.. I talked to the admin of the server and he's says it's ok.. So this must be something in osCommerce!


2. I want to sort the product list by the manufactors name instead of product name, I've manage to pull this off on the first page but when you have more then one product listing pages it turns out wacko and sorts after product name again, the same thing if you first show from a certain manufactor and then go back to show all.. I just simply want to sort them by manufactors name.. Anyone can help me?


3. I've got this problem with the product listing, when I visit the osCommerce demo shop it's adjusting to the size of the browser window, but mine is so minimal, I've tried to change it's size in index.php but I'm not a code freak and can't find the variables where you change the size.. Could any tell me this? (Posting a picture of it here: http://www.tigerstorm.se/oscproblem.gif )


4. What's the best way to add information on Shipping&Return,Contact us and such,  so it goes along with the same CSS file as the rest of page ?


I'm experiencing problem #1. I have just started to investigate and will let you know if I find anything.




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I'm experiencing problem #1. I have just started to investigate and will let you know  if I find anything.



Well found out if you goto /admin/includes/modules/newsletters/newsletter.php in there if you switch add_mail to add_html it will become a HTML mail but the newsletter is very very distorted and doesn't look a shit like the html file you made..


Let me know if you find a solution on that!

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