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some problems after installing osCommerce on Linux


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Hi, I have installed osCommerce on my Linux 9 machine (IP on my LAN). I encountered a couple of problems and wish somebody who has more experience can help.


After installed, when my browser pointed to the link, I alway got the following warning,

"Warning: The sessions directory does not exist: /tmp. Sessions will not work until this directory is created."


I checked and I do have a /tmp directory with root:root as the owner on my Linux box. I tried to changed the owner to nobody:nobody, but the warning was still there. I don't know what the reason is that? How do I get rid of it?


Also, in the catalog/index.php page, when I clicked "My Account", "Checkout" links on the menu bar, the pages couldn't be displayed. Same things happened to "log yourself in" and "create an account" links. Basically, anythings requires https://, pages could not be displayed. What should I do?



Appreciated if somebody can give me a hint.




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Two things.


1. Sounds like /tmp is NOT readable/writable to the world (chmod 777 /tmp). If you can't get that working then store session data in the database by editing both catalog/includes/configure.php and catalog/admin/includes/configure.php and set Sessions at the end of the file to 'mysql'.


2. The SSL issue sounds like you either don't have SSL setup properly on your box or you don't have the proper SSL settings in the two configure.php files refered to above. If you don't have SSL setup yet on your server just turn of (set to false) the settings in the configure.php files.




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