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Expired Security Certificate with Paypal?


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I just had a customer email me about an issue when trying to place an order. I just tested it out myself and I get the same thing.


When hitting Confirm Order, which should take you to Paypal to pay, a Security Alert box pops up saying the security certificate has expired or is not valid.


Is this Paypal's issue or mine? We've been running since last July and I've never seen this and am not sure what it means. When I click on 'View Certificate" it says that it's issued to secure.paypal.com - does that mean it's a problem on their end? Is there anything I should be doing?


Please help if you can!

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Are you using the original Paypal payment module?


If so, you need to update the PayPal url in the script.


See: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=136204


However, a better thing to do would be to use the PayPal IPN cobtribution:


osCommerce PayPal IPN Module v1.0 For 2.2MS2




it is already updated and has other advantages.

Rik Rasmussen

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Thank you both! I changed the 'secure.paypal.com' line to 'www.paypal.com' and it seems to have done the trick.


We're going to very likely use the Paypal IPN contribution, but I'm very new to this and need to figure things out before I make any 'real' changes.


Thank you again!

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