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Fatal error on first installation


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Dear Community,


I have a problem with the installation, I have got an error message when I wanted to go to the administration tool (The configuration was successful!).


Error message:


Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Webshop\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\catalog\admin\includes\classes\upload.php on line 31



My system (no server) information:

Running laptop windows xp, Xampp.


I hope somebody can help me out.


Thanks allot!





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php5 compatibility problem.  Go to admin/includes/classes/upload.php and on line 31 change $this to //$this.  That's all.





running OSX 10.3.8 with Apache/2.0.52 (Unix) PHP/5.0.3 Server. I get the New installation screen but there it stops. I think this has to do with php5 and therefore i tried your fix. My issue is there is no upload.php file at the given location in the catalog :huh: :huh:


Any ideas?



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