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Unsure which section of code to change?


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I have been giventhe following code by a very helpful forum user, but now wish to do the same thing for various other products.


When you are using a standard html link like the above there is no need to start it with a backslash in front of the double inverted commas, as in \"http:// just write <a class="yourLink" href="http://jemcraftmemories.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=21_29&products_id=31">Pink Koala also available.</a>




Could anyone tell me how I would find out the 'products_id' for different products? Also, would it just be the product_id number that would need to change? or would I have to alter any other part of the code?


Thanks Jemma

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Whoever gave you that advice is incorrect since using that code will break your shop. In order to link to a product on your site, you need to do this:

 <td><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('product_info.php', 'cPath=1&products_id=24', 'NONSSL') . '">' . 'SOME PRODUCT' . '</a>'; ?></td>

Changing the numbers to what you want of course.


If you go into admin->catalog and click on a product, you will see the numbers you need in the browsers url string. You can get those from the regular part of the shop but it will take two steps in some cases so this is faster. You need the category id (cPath) as well as the products_id number.



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