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The e-commerce.

Help !!


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:huh: Help me plz I am new to all of this web site commerce stuff and I just cant seem to figure out how to setup os commerce with my web site. I would be very thankful for those of you who take the time to help me out. Where can I get a walk thourgh for this system?

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:huh:  Help me plz I am new to all of this web site commerce stuff and I just cant seem to figure out how to setup os commerce with my web site. I would be very thankful for those of you who take the time to help me out. Where can I get a walk thourgh  for this system?



Step 1

Check with your Webhotel or Admin that the server has support for .PHP and MySql Databases.


Step 2

FTP upload all files to a catalouge in the root named Catalouge / Webshop or something appropiate..


Step 3

Use your browser of choice and surf up to the install catalouge for example: www.yoursite.com/webshop/install run either index.php or install.php

Follow all the steps and fill in all fields.


After installation DELETE the /INSTALL catalouge and set a htaccess password for your /ADMIN catalouge so no one else but you can edit your shop.


htaccess protecting may be a service your webhotel provides or just passwordprotecting catalouges....

This is far easier than using diffrent contribs.


Good luck ;)

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:huh:  Help me plz I am new to all of this web site commerce stuff and I just cant seem to figure out how to setup os commerce with my web site. I would be very thankful for those of you who take the time to help me out. Where can I get a walk thourgh  for this system?



Pendragon- thanks for the info, it is greatly appreciated. I still got tons of more questions.

But I will just ask them as I go. So far I have been able to figure some things out on my own but some I just can?t figure out.


1. How do I incorporate OS with Front Page 2003 or do I just have to rebuild my site on os.

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