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The e-commerce.

1033 incorrect info ? Please help.


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Hi, when trying to get to any pages associated with my osCommerce portion of my site, I get the following error:

1033 - Incorrect information in file: './d60133744/configuration.frm'


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration





Can anyone tell me if I need to fix something or if the OS system is just down? I'm not sure how long it has been like this, but I don't think I uploaded anything to make this happen...


Thank you

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I have just received the same error on 2/21/05:

1033 - Incorrect information in file: './d60017879/configuration.frm'


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration




I have not done any changes/uploads to my database/catalog either. Is your store hosted through Netfirms by chance?



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Well, I can tell you that Googling "configuration.frm" shows that there are a fair number of sites with similar problems, or have been over time (when I click on the link in Google, the page comes up ok). The one instance I can find in this forum isn't helpful.


I had wondered at first if you might have installed one of the "configuration cache" contributions, but I looked at them and it doesn't seem to be relevant.


Let me suggest one thing - go into phpmyadmin, click on the SQL tab, and enter the query that it is complaining about and see what you get. It may be enlightening.


Oh, one shot in the dark. Do you have STORE_SESSIONS defined as 'mysql' in your configure.php files? If not, try changing to that and see what happens. I recommend that setting anyway.

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