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tax zone doesn't work right


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I live in california, US, and have it where only california users are taxes 8.75%. My non california customers have also been taxed on their orders. I did install the contribution that has a dropdown state, so users didn't have to type out their state. Another problem could be my tax classes. I think i set it up right, but i'm not sure. I did teh following:

Tax Zones: california

Tax classes: Taxable Goods

Tax rates: Priority> 1, Tax Class> Taxable Goods, Zone> California Tax, Rate> 8.75%


Does anyone know what the problem could be? I made a test account with florida as the state, and i checked the database, and under the table Adress_book, the column for entry_state is completely blank, and none are entered. <_< In the admin section though, the customers states, and on the customers receipts, both have the states. :-"


Does anyone know what's wrong? Thanks. :huh:

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Here's a quick fix while we get it sorted out: Don't charge any tax. Sure, you'll have to pay the Gubernator for it at the end of the year (or whenever you file), but at least you're not losing sales right now.



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alright. has anyone had any problems with this before?  <_<

In Admin, when you click on Tax Zones and single click on California, what does it show on the right side as the Number of Zones? I had Ohio showing but the number was zero. I reinstalled the tax zone and now it shows 1 and works. It's worth a try.

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