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The e-commerce.

Can anyone tell me what this is?


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I've been looking around this guy's site - and his URL's look like this:






run your mouse over the link to see it in full




His keywords, title and description are also dynamic - which i've seen before.. but his setup really works well and always pops up in search engine results. I've tried to run Search Engine Friendly URLs and Header Tag Controller at the same time with no luck.


How did they accomplish those URL's? And everything else work too?


Thank you so much!!! :)

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I use the same thing. Search engines love this





Install Header Tags Controller first SLOWLY STEP BY STEP. Then install Ultimate SEO URLs secondly. The first time I did it I screwed it up and left out a piece of code in the Header Tags Controller script and it didn't run. It will run together. Also once you installed that also install this Session Start Mod




Just go slow step by step.

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    if you want to solve this problem go to your admin find which Category product should not display.just edit Category for example your Category name is C4 Corvette Parts change into C4-Corvette-Parts or Corvette-Parts or Parts or make you change up to it is works.For testing just put test for that Category definately it is works.



    veera :thumbsup:

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