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Fatal error


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Please help a newbie, trying to figure out what i did with no luck here is my error I seems to be having during the last step of the checkout process, (confirmation Process) it goes to payment OK, then Shipping OK, Confirmation Failed with this error on the top.


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: email in /home/sweetrai/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 963


I then look in general.php at the line number and I see this....

// Instantiate a new mail object

$message = new email(array('X-Mailer: osCommerce Mailer'));


ok so I figure my email class is messed up and reupload it again, but to no luck I still have the same error I believe the last contrib I installed was the UPS shipping module. So maybe have something to do with it. Not sure. I have been racking my brain over this one for a while and searching and searching can't seem to get anywhere if anyone can help me at all I would greatly appreciate and comments or thoughts as to what I can do here. Thanks in advance.



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Few troubleshooting suggestions:


1. Be sure that all PHP files were/are uploaded in ASCII format.


2. Make sure includes/classes/email.php exists


3. In includes/application_top.php there should be the following:

// include the mail classes
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'mime.php');
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'email.php');

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Thanks for the reply and the sugesstions. I have checked these all out even re-uploaded my entire site to make sure I uploaded the php file in ASCII. Again I have no luck I think it has something to do with iether the actual files. email.php or general.php or it is the OScommerce Xmailer it-self. anymore suggestion are greatly apprecited as I am no more further ahead than I was before. But do appreciate the previous suggestions. Thank-you again. Anymore help is needed.



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