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The e-commerce.

Honest Critique Wanted


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Hey Everyone,


Afriend of mine introduced me to osc about a month ago and my site is almost ready. I would like honest ideas of what improvements i could make to my site and any opinions on appearance.




thanks in advance,


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Hey Everyone,


Afriend of mine introduced me to osc about a month ago and my site is almost ready.  I would like honest ideas of what improvements i could make to my site and any opinions on appearance. 




thanks in advance,


Check your 401 page. It reads "You ar not authorized" It should say "You are not authorized".


As for the site itself, I like it. Nice colors.

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posted in wrong section - ask for it to be moved to My Store area - where you will probably get feedback.


Nice presentation though I can't see the purpose of the scrolling cart info. Might have used "tpc_v10_acheron" contrib to show the total # of products instead. Also "information boxes by calman" (admin section) allows for easy changes of your infoBox data.


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Hi , neat and simple. You can actually remove the text " Welcome Guest, Would you like to log yourself...... because you already have a log-in box in your right column.




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Thanks Kevin and Armadillo,


you do have good points. I am still looking for a good contrib to add as many extra pages to the info box as i can. I never really thought about the welcome guest thing, but since i do already have the login box i really dont need it and i can replace it with some general info.


thanks guys,


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I love butterflies!


Would be nice to have SSL instead of letting your customers private details including usernames, passwords and even credit card numbers, travel across the states unprotected.

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I love butterflies!


Would be nice to have SSL instead of letting your customers private details including usernames, passwords and even credit card numbers, travel across the states unprotected.



yeah thats the next thing i need to tackle.




the Items In ' ' problem has bothered me some as well. I installed 'Display Category Name In Main Content' contribution that places categories in the main content of the page but when browsing by 'Country' (this is a manufacturers box modification) it doesnt pick up the country ( manufacturer ) name.


here is the code in file catalog/index.php:

<td class="pageHeading">


// hacked to display current category name in main content area! Nik

echo HEADING_TITLE . '\'' . $tree[$current_category_id]['name'] . '\'';




how could i insert the country (manufacturer) into this statement in order to show either one or the other depending on which browsing the visitor is using?

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Discerning visitors will certainly notice you spell it as 'dicerning'. Bad spelling or typos on the homepage does not look good.


You may actually want to put some content in your Shipping, Terms, and Privacy pages. Nice colours.


Don't like the redirect from the root of the domain to the 'store' folder though. This is not necessary and as it is a meta refresh tag redirect it will get your site heavily marked down by search engines. I don't know if it's because your site is too new to have been spidered yet, but your pages get a zero ranking with google.



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Thanks for the heads up on the typo, too many long nights. I was just reading the SEO on the osc Knowledge base and realized my mistake with the redirect, its changed now, thanks.


any ideas on how could i insert the country (manufacturer) into this statement in order to show either one or the other depending on which browsing the visitor is using?



here is the code in file catalog/index.php:

<td class="pageHeading">


// hacked to display current category name in main content area! Nik

echo HEADING_TITLE . '\'' . $tree[$current_category_id]['name'] . '\'';



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