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Need help: I want two different order emails sent.


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I know I can change the email that the customer gets by editing the "define('EMAIL " found in admin/includes/languages/english/orders.php. But I want to change the email that I receive when a customer places an order? I would like to place a link in this email that takes me to /catalog/admin/orders.php. (My /admin folder is password protected. )


Thanks in advance,


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Thanks for your reply. This will send the same email that the customer gets. I want to send the original to the customer, and a modified one to me.


Any suggestions?

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the email is made in checkout_process.php

you can try to change the email content and add a line to the end of it after it is sent to the customer in the same file i have changed mine to send it as an attachment adding a line should not be that hard

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Okay, I found this in the /catalog/checkout_process.php:


// send emails to other people


I have tried a number of different ways to add a link to the end of this such as:


?Please visit /catalog/admin/orders.php to retrieve cc info. You will need your login and password to access this information.?


How can I make this work? Examples of code would really help.

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Finally got it!

Thanks to tedbooks and PhilipH for his post here.


Here?s what I did:


1. Edited the code in /catalog/checkout_process.php


Old code

// send emails to other people


New code

// send emails to other people
     $admin_order = $email_order . 'Go to <a href="mylink">mylink</a>, then click the Edit button to retrieve the credit card number.<br>You will need your user name and password to access this info.';
     tep_mail('', SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO, $email_subject, $admin_order, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);


2. Then in the admin section of Configuration, E-mail Options, I set ?Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails? to ?true? to make the URL active in the email received.


I hope that someone else may benefit from this too.


All the best,


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