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Add Links on Header


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I have added links on the header of my page, however, I cannot make changes to it other than the font. I have tried to center it, or change the color, and it wont do it. Also, is there a better way to show those links? Below is the code that I have used:


<td align="center" td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'top.gif', 'Cellitude: Premium pouches for Motorola, Nokia, Sony-Ericsson, Panasonic, Sanyo, Samsung, LG, Nextel, Audiovox, Sendo.') . '</a>'; ?><br><br></td>
   <td align="center" valign="bottom"> <font size="2" face="arial"> <b> <?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com/catalog/">' . 'Catalog',  '</a>' ?>   </b></font> 
   <td align="center" valign="bottom"> <font size="2" face="arial"> <b> <?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com/catalog/comingsoon.php">' . 'Coming Soon   ',  '</a>' ?>   </b> </font>
   <td align="center" valign="bottom"> <font size="2" face="arial"> <b> <?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com/catalog/aboutus.php">' . 'About Us   ',  '</a>' ?> </b>   </font>
   <td align="center" valign="bottom"> <font size="2" face="arial"> <b> <?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com/catalog/contactus.php">' . 'Contact Us   ',  '</a>' ?>   </b> </font>
   <td align="center" valign="bottom"> <font size="2" face="arial"> <b> <?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com/catalog/ourlogo.php">' . 'Our Logos   ',  '</a>' ?> </b> </font> <br>


My site address is Cellitude

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I have added links on the header of my page, however, I cannot make changes to it other than the font.  I have tried to center it, or change the color, and it wont do it.  Also, is there a better way to show those links? Below is the code that I have used:


<td align="center" td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'top.gif', 'Cellitude: Premium pouches for Motorola, Nokia, Sony-Ericsson, Panasonic, Sanyo, Samsung, LG, Nextel, Audiovox, Sendo.') . '</a>'; ?><br><br></td>
? ?<td align="center" valign="bottom"> <font size="2" face="arial"> <b> <?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com/catalog/">' . 'Catalog', ?'</a>' ?>   </b></font> 
? ?<td align="center" valign="bottom"> <font size="2" face="arial"> <b> <?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com/catalog/comingsoon.php">' . 'Coming Soon ? ', ?'</a>' ?>   </b> </font>
? ?<td align="center" valign="bottom"> <font size="2" face="arial"> <b> <?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com/catalog/aboutus.php">' . 'About Us ? ', ?'</a>' ?> </b>   </font>
? ?<td align="center" valign="bottom"> <font size="2" face="arial"> <b> <?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com/catalog/contactus.php">' . 'Contact Us ? ', ?'</a>' ?>   </b> </font>
? ?<td align="center" valign="bottom"> <font size="2" face="arial"> <b> <?php echo '<a href="http://www.cellitude.com/catalog/ourlogo.php">' . 'Our Logos ? ', ?'</a>' ?> </b> </font> <br>
? ?</tr>


My site address is Cellitude



I am changing from 2.1 to 2.2MS and have the following added and working at both locations. The old link is http://www.djscollectables.com , the following code is right above the "breadcrumb" headerNavigation calls.


<center><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="#decab2" >


<td class="headerNavigation"> <font color="000000"><center> |<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('../feedbackbook/index.php', 'a=b', 'NONSSL') . '">Feedback</a>'; ?>|<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('../suggestions/index.php', 'a=b', 'NONSSL') . '">Suggestions</a>'; ?> |<a href="http://www.3dflags.com">3D Animated Flags</a>|<center> </td> </font>


</table> </center><br>

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<tr class="header">

<td> <center><?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'oscommerce.gif', 'DJs Collectables'); ?></td></center>




as for color changes, you might try <font color="#80000">some links</font> Haven't tried it on php code so I don't know if it will override the stylesheet.css settings or not.

If all else fails, you might want to go back to the infoBox format.


Hope this gives you some ideas.


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