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Passing variables in OSCom


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Have yet to install and try OSCom, have tried it many months ago. I'm seriously thinking of going ahead with OSCom and was wondering for some input.


I have been working on a project for a client in X-Cart and have hit a major roadblock when it comes to passing variables to the products page or any page for that matter.


After spending hours on their forums, I couldn't beleieve how many ppl were in the same boat. Smarty templates is the issue. Not trashing the templates, I'm sure it has it's benefits, but all of a sudden all these new rules ...


Being a well rounded PHP coder, thought it would be simple, not.


My question is:


If a person has good knowledge of PHP, MySQl, etc ... will there be any issues in passing variable (session or otherwise) within OSCom?


Your insight greatly appreciated

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