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Getting 2 contribs to work together


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I'm trying to get the admin authentication/permission contrib from Zaenal Muttigin to work with the Admin manual order entry/edit order, add accounts module from jonathan hilgeman.


I can get them both working separately without a problem. I can even get them working together. I added the manual order entry files to the admin permissions sql table and everything shows up in the left_column, and in file permissions. I can even use the "create order", "create account" functions. I have no problems with permissions logged in as a top administrator.


HOwever, if i create another group, or add/remove permissions to a new group via the first admin contrib, I then can't access the links anymore. I don't get a script error. I get the actual forbiden.php message telling me i don't have enough permission for this feature, contact administrator etc... The admin authent/permissions program is restricting access to the second contrib...this only happens if i create a new group or edit permissions. I get locked out of the ability to use the manual order entry module.


And YES, i have given that new group permission to the second contrib. Any help? Thanks!!!!!

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