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h1 , h2, h3 etc?


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Without wanting to completely redo my entire stylesheet. Is there a way I can set my h1, h2, h3 tags. I have a contrib that uses my stylesheet for the menu system, for the product listings, for images, etc etc..so I dont want to interfere too much with that.


Since I know nothing about stylesheet and php - which I assume is the same as with html...so obviously I have no idea how I would create a section in the stylesheet to create what I want. If you pick an h1 tag right now, it makes the text SUPER big. I'd like to be JUST slightly larger than what I have right now. Almost like the 'lets see what we have here' default grey text.



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Excellllllent. :)


Thanks much Gary. I guess I just needed confirmation or affirmation :)


I love stylesheets - and notice they run like html stylesheets. However was a bit leary of using a new call in a stylesheet already growing in size and hoping I did it correctly to 'get credit' via SEO.



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