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To .gif or not to .gif ......


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I really hate the look of coloured squares around an item image


Would much rather use transparencies as backgrounds


But apparently .gif has a limited colour depth


And .jpg has great compression and colour depth, but cannot handle transparencies


And .png, has the colour and compression and colour depth, but is not widely supported


I could make the image background the same as the page - but one ends up with a rather mono-chromatic look


Please feel free to share your opinion and greater knowledge





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I really hate the look of coloured squares around an item image


Would much rather use transparencies as backgrounds


But apparently .gif has a limited colour depth


And .jpg has great compression and colour depth, but cannot handle transparencies


And .png, has the colour and compression and colour depth, but is not widely supported


I could make the image background the same as the page - but one ends up with a rather mono-chromatic look


Please feel free to share your opinion and greater knowledge






gif's have a higher color depth than most monitors are able to display

Treasurer MFC

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Perhaps I am getting this back to front


I quote ...


"...(GIFs) can only support 8-bit color (or a palette no greater than 256 colors). It may also handle dithering poorly, which is the result of pixels in a graphic that try to mix themselves up to emulate different colors. Photographs saved as GIFs can also lose their detail and a wide range of values..."



We manufacture exotic/erotic/club garments - In very lush fabrics or fine / sheer / delicate / embroidered materials


My concern is in losing definition/detail/colours in the images, yet ideally wanting to use transparencies for aesthetic reasons


I played around with gif and jpg - and could see no discerable difference in most cases ... but I am also tone deaf and like Grace Jones and the Wiggles



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