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*.php editor contribution?


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I'm looking for a contribution that creates more .php files, like the policy.php, shipping etc, however I do not want an 'extra pages' contrib as I already have that implemented. I'm looking for something that will create NEW .php files where I can place data into them - and decide where to place it throughout the site

Here is the catch..

I don't want to have to edit filenames.php, english.php etc to have to define the pages. I'm looking for something that will allow me to use an editor AND that will define the pages for me - then I can decide where to place it.


Is there such a beast?



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You said 'if i could get the latest version'.


I tested things out and it seems to add everything like it's supposed to.


This thing rocks! Only if it had an editor built in. Suggest a plaintext/html editor?




P.S - for those interested, it's located here: NO install, runs off your computer: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2614

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There are various versions and the last one, which had major changes, is not readable by everyone for some reason. A text editor exists in one version but it is for editing existing pages.



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