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The e-commerce.

Is osCommerce right for me?


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Hi, I need site that does not show prices on the main page but requires a login/ registration to get to the prices and the user only orders via a message to me not using a credit card.


Any and all opinions would help... :blink:

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I think you can force a login before they can see prices. I am sure others have done a modification like that.


Also if you just want them to place an order "without paying", I think you could just by-pass the payment part of the checkout process. You would get orders in the database and the order woould be emailed to you and the customer then you can take it from there. You can continue to communicate with them about that order from within the Admin area so you can keep track of it. You can also have your own order status settings to keep track of what stage you are up to.

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I don't know if there is a mod. to force the login but if you look in the area that the last poster indicated you could find one.


The second part if pretty easy I think and if you need help working it out I can have a look at the code to see what I would do.


I am curious to know what you are "selling".

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