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Displaying Product options in order of preference


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Thanks for the reply, but this sorts the selectable items in the dropdown, what I want to sort is the option names


If you have an option of "processor" and "memory" it defaults to listing them as


memory [selectable dropdown]

processor [selectable dropdown]


What I want to do is arrange them in a chosen order, ie


Processor [selectable dropdown]

memory [selectable dropdown]


I've seen it done on lots of OSC sites but so far can sort get menu items sorted (by using the contribution you suggested)



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I did this a couple of weeks ago. but can't remember where in the forum I found the fix . It is a very simple code change I found in the forum at that time. Once you do the fix, you enter the options into Admin in the order you want them to display because it relys on the option id.


In CATALOG/product_info.php change


      <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
             <td class="main" colspan="2"><?php echo TEXT_PRODUCT_OPTIONS; ?></td>
     $products_options_name_query = tep_db_query("select distinct popt.products_options_id, popt.products_options_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . " popt, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " patrib where patrib.products_id='" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "' and patrib.options_id = popt.products_options_id and popt.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by popt.products_options_name");
     while ($products_options_name = tep_db_fetch_array($products_options_name_query)) {
       $products_options_array = array();
       $products_options_query = tep_db_query("select pov.products_options_values_id, pov.products_options_values_name, pa.options_values_price, pa.price_prefix from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " pa, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . " pov where pa.products_id = '" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "' and pa.options_id = '" . (int)$products_options_name['products_options_id'] . "' and pa.options_values_id = pov.products_options_values_id and pov.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'");




<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
             <td class="main" colspan="2"><?php echo TEXT_PRODUCT_OPTIONS; ?></td>


CM 2005-02-02 Change options sort order from name to id.  Look for 'order by' in two query lines. 


     $products_options_name_query = tep_db_query("select distinct popt.products_options_id, popt.products_options_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . " popt, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " patrib where patrib.products_id='" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "' and patrib.options_id = popt.products_options_id and popt.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by popt.products_options_id");
     while ($products_options_name = tep_db_fetch_array($products_options_name_query)) {
       $products_options_array = array();
       $products_options_query = tep_db_query("select pov.products_options_values_id, pov.products_options_values_name, pa.options_values_price, pa.price_prefix from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " pa, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . " pov where pa.products_id = '" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "' and pa.options_id = '" . (int)$products_options_name['products_options_id'] . "' and pa.options_values_id = pov.products_options_values_id and pov.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by pov.products_options_values_id


HINT: look for the 'order by' stmt - 1 time in old code, 2 times in new code.


Good luck,


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