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I have installed oscommerce and I have followed the instructions on editing the index.php in the /catalog/includes/languages/english/ dir. I have a wierd issue though! as soon as I edit one word or even change on letter and save it I loose the index.php content totally. All I get is a blank page when I launch the catalog url ?



Thanks Mark :( :blink:

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If you are entering a single quote or apostrophe you need to escape all occurances of that character with a backslash, e.g. ' should be \' and that is most likely your problem.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein

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If you are entering a single quote or apostrophe you need to escape all occurances of that character with a backslash, e.g. ' should be \' and that is most likely your problem.



I have tried what you have suggested but I still get the same problem. If I edit the directly on the server I don't get the problem....it looks like everytime I use the OSC file manager to edit the file it breaks it?. The only problem with editing directley on the server is that using ee text editor is a pain :(


Do you have any other ideas ?


Thanks Mark

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If you had searched the forum you would have found thousands of posts about this issue. Th eosCommerce File Manager does not work - it screws up files - don't use it.


Download the file to be edited, take a backup, edit in a plain text editor like Notepad, upload, and if it doesn't work restore from the backup.



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