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Remove Country Drop Down Menu


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Removing the country drop down menu--I'm sure this has been addressed but I can't find it using search terms.


i removed the country reference in an html table and I don't see it on the products page, but when I try to create a new account I get this error message: "You must select a country from the Countries pull down menu."


Since the software still wants the country, I need to "remove" the drop down somewhere besides just on the page itself.


In 2003, folks advised eliminating all countries in the phpMyAdmin countries section. The advice looked great but I couldn't implement it.



In phpmyadmin, select empty, select sql and enter:

INSERT INTO countries VALUES (1, 'United States', 'US', 'USA', 2);

(Jim Eckleberry -Daemonj)


and another was:


if you already have the countries table with all the countries in it just run this sql:

DELETE FROM `countries` WHERE countries_name <> 'United States'




My problem is that I tried to change the SQL and I didn't see an ok button and when I hit insert what came up wasn't a place to put text.


I can't edit this the way I do php or html (obviouisly) and since my knowledge --you guessed it-- of SQL is NIL, I didn't know what else to do.


Appreciate the help.





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the code to show the box to add the country is removed or commented out for your customers?


it would then seem that the country is by default adding "Please Select" as the country, which returns an error.

you need to remove the please select fom the top and have it point to the country you want.

that gives the customers no choice for adding a country (as you altered what they see) and still adds a country to the database (which is required for shipping reasons)


see this to set up "country to top" - eliminating your error -


Move Country to Top


implement example one

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Dear ArtRat,


Thanks for the tip and the time.


The country dropdown is not working for me yet. I don't know if you or anyone else has any time to think on it further, but this is what happened.


I altered my files per the suggetions on Move Country to Top, http://www.oscommerce.info/kb/osCommerce/Tips_and_Tricks/35.


I reset my html to show the drop down so that i could see the effect of the changes. Do you think this has anything to do with it?


I show USA in the drop down now, and only the USA, but I still get the same "You must select a country from the Countries pull down menu" when I attempt to register.


I don't know if seeing my client's site will help, but the create account page is




Any fake info you put in still comes to me so you can pretend to insert someone. The site isn't published yet since the inability to register customers is rather a drawback. ;)




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I altered my files per the suggetions on Move Country to Top, http://www.oscommerce.info/kb/osCommerce/Tips_and_Tricks/35.



I am unsure why, but altering the catalog/create_account file and the html_output in functions caused me problems.


so I tried just altering the line in catalog/create_account file by indicating which country I wanted to show on top (the USA is country 223) and that worked.


Existing line for country drop down list:



<td class="main"><?php echo tep_get_country_list('country') .


Altered to choose the 223rd country to show on top:



<td class="main"><?php echo tep_get_country_list('country', '223') .



Thanks for reading and helping earlier!


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