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The e-commerce.

Where's the download????


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I have a file that I am going to sell on my site. I have followed all the procedures :


Set the permissions, on the pub and download directories

Edited configure.php to have the missing forward slasshes

Put the file in the download directory

Enabled download and download by redirect

Edited the Product Attributes for the item to use the file name


I am using the credit card module with the dummy card number to test, and the order goes through, and I can see it in my admin panel. But from the customer side, I never see the option to actually download the file.


What am I missing???

Thanks in advance,


  • Replies 57
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Was the order status set to delivered?




Yeah, I did that manually after the order posted. But when I go back to the order as the customer I still don't see any link, button, switch, or any kind of widget that would indicate the customer can intiate a download.


Debugging this kind of problem is always a chore. I think I'm gonna start to compile my own comprehensive check list of things to check. Many things could be the problem. Lot's of threads with various solutions.


That being said let 's try a few.


Triple check the permissions on the pub folder to make sure it is readable/writable by all (chmod 777).


Check that the download file in download folder is readable by all.


Check the file name (upper/lower case issues) in the product attribute.


Is there a product attribute (like download here) that you created for the product that shows up in the product description. (Some say this is not required).


Is the weight of the product set to zero?


Check the default order status in admin (maybe change it to delivered) for testing purposes. admin->localization->order status.



Is there a product attribute (like download here) that you created for the product that shows up in the product description. (Some say this is not required).




That was it! Wow, that is not intuitive in the least. I had gone through all your other suggeststions, and tried this last since "Some say this is not required". If it isn't required, it sure isn't obvious what you need to do if you don't add this.


Thanks again! You are a life saver.



  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks everyone...I will take a look at these things. I am pretty sure the file permissions are correct. I have checked them about 10 times and they are all 777. I will report back later this week and update.


I have been through this thread 15-20 times and checked everything I can think of, even tried adding a download here attribute (but why would you really want to do this - it will allow people access to the file before they purchased it).. I am a software engineer and I think this is a valid bug.


Does anyone have an electronic download store working and operational out there?


There is no bug here. There are probably hundreds of operational download standard oscommerce sites. It is a bit tricky and if permissions are not set on pub folder (777) or the file name is not EXACT and the status of the order is not "delivered" etc. then you don't get the link.


The download attribute is there ONLY to identify the actual download file name and it is REQUIRED to be present on the product. It by itself does not generate a link that people access (as you stated).


Since you are a software engineer, you should be able (as i have) to look at the code and see all of the requirements.


Aaron, I'll be happy to help you out (I am also a software engineer). If you post what you have done and where things are not showing up. Is the default order status set to "delivered" just to see if you can get an operational test envirnment going?





Hi Fred,

I have worked on 3 different sites that use downloads successfully.

I can also ensure that they work and it's not a bug.

(Funny thing is QA people call issues "bugs" and Software Engineers typically call them "undocumented features")


Seriously though, here is some more help...


If you are using a Windows server you can not use "Download by redirect"


You can run the following mysql query to verify parameters that may intentionally prevent downloads.

select * from ?orders_products_download where orders_id = '9999';

/* Replace 9999 with your order_id */

There are three columns to look at:

1. Make sure the filename is correct and it exists in your download folder

(remember that it's case sensitive)

2. Make sure the download count is greater than 0

3. Make sure the Maxdays field is greater or equal to 1.





I saw the header message "need to create directory /hsphere/local/home/jwigal/referee-assistant.com/catalogdownload". When I did that, and threw the files in that folder, it worked.




I tried to make the download option to work, it works fine but the customers see the download link in their account before the paymant is made ? :(


What to do? , so that i have to set the order to status to "2" or "3" before they can download the file?








I tried to make the download option to work, it works fine but the customers see the download link in their account before the paymant is made ? :(


What to do? , so that i have to set the order to status to "2" or "3" before they can download the file?






What can I conclude if I run this query on orders_products_download and nothing shows up? The orders go through, but no download appears. I have read posts on the subject and

1. checked configure.php download directories,

2. check permissions (777) on the directories,

3. the download file names match,

4. listed the file name as the download product attribute with 14 days and 5 downloads allowed,

5. created a product attribute and set an option value.

6. Order process defaults to delivered.

I have both download by redirect and allow downloads set to true (I am on a linux server). What makes them get to this table in the process?


Thank you.



Hi Fred,

I have worked on 3 different sites that use downloads successfully.

I can also ensure that they work and it's not a bug.

(Funny thing is QA people call issues "bugs" and Software Engineers typically call them "undocumented features")


Seriously though, here is some more help...


If you are using a Windows server you can not use "Download by redirect"


You can run the following mysql query to verify parameters that may intentionally prevent downloads.

select * from ?orders_products_download where orders_id = '9999';

/* Replace 9999 with your order_id */

There are three columns to look at:

1. Make sure the filename is correct and it exists in your download folder

(remember that it's case sensitive)

2. Make sure the download count is greater than 0

3. Make sure the Maxdays field is greater or equal to 1.





Has anyone not been able to configure downloads, then used this contribution, and solved their problem by using this contribution? I am concerned about adding a contribution on top of a process I have not been able to get to operate--I don't want to compound or complicate the problem/confusion I am experiencing.


Any experience with this? Thank you.


It should be set to 3 (Delivered).


You may want to look into the contribution "download controller"




This will provide you with more options and functionality on controlling downloads.




What can I conclude if I run this query on orders_products_download and nothing shows up? The orders go through, but no download appears.  I have read posts on the subject and

1. checked configure.php download directories,

2. check permissions (777) on the directories,

3. the download file names match,

4. listed the file name as the download product attribute with 14 days and 5 downloads allowed,

5. created a product attribute and set an option value.

6. Order process defaults to delivered. 

I have both download by redirect and allow downloads set to true (I am on a linux server).  What makes them get to this table in the process? 


Thank you.


It looks like you're doing everything correctly. For troubleshooting purposes, set download by redirect to false and see what happens.

Since you asked, the orders_products_download table gets updated in the file catalog/checkout_process.php during the customer checkout.


Has anyone not been able to configure downloads, then used this contribution, and solved their problem by using this contribution?  I am concerned about adding a contribution on top of a process I have not been able to get to operate--I don't want to compound or complicate the problem/confusion I am experiencing.


Any experience with this?  Thank you.

I agree that you should not add another layer if downloads are not working yet.



  • 2 weeks later...

May I ask about another problem? I have downloads working - but I am using the function with PayPal IPN v3.1.4 (not the osC version 1.0, which is a completely different solution). I did nothing special to make it happen - it worked with the above noted common setup actions.


My problem: IF the Paypal IPN comes back correctly and sets the order from pending to processing, then the download appears.


HOWEVER, if the IPN comfirmation fails for any reason, the download status stays at Pending, and the download is not available. This is problem.


How do I allow download by manually changing the status in the Admin-Orders panel?

Should the download status be allowed with this change?


My trials result as follows:


IF I set the status of the order in Admin from Pending to Processing, the order status properly shows the change, but the download still does not appear.


I have looked at the db, and cannot figure this out. It does not appear the download file for the order has been entered there. Does the download get placed in the download directory when the sale is entered? (Where in the code does this happen, and what is the trigger action?)


I do not see that the Admin orders edit (standard osC) does anything to add a file to the download directory upon changing status to Processing.


Is the Download Controller 5.3 mod recommended -- is anyone here using it successfully? The documentation on the install is terrible, so I have not tried to figure out and apply the mods yet.


Thanks for any insight -- I have been reading posts on this subject for days, and cannot figure the issues out. While I am a good Visual Basic programmer, I have not worked with PHP at all, and am stuggling with the code.


The download controller contribution does have a "reset" order status and process that will allow you "reset" an order and rebuild the download file and link for the order that failed.


The initial download file is created in the pubs folder after a successful transaction.


The contribution does work and is well worth installing. With NO php under your belt you might find it a bit daunting, but with your VB background you should be able to pick it up quickly.




I too am having problems with this. Up to this point I have done everything mentioned above and double checked everything mentioned above.


When I run a sample purchase I get the link to the download but I am getting a 404 Not found error listing this directory as not found:




"alexus_10ready" being the file I am trying to download.


Everytime I attempt the download I get the same message except the directory after pub changes e.f. pub/.ccuncgqyqtqhkhup changes to something else unintelligible.


Any thoughts?

Michael Sinclair


OK. Figured this one out on my own.


In case anyone was having a similar problem. Make sure that you have the appropriate directory structure. For some reason I had a /downloaf directory but did not have a /pub direectory. Once I added this directory and set permissions it was all good from there.



Michael Sinclair

  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone is having problems,


Make sure in your "Download" folder it isn't protected with a .htaccess file. My folder was protected like this and it didn't work, but I deleted the .htaccess file and it worked.



  • 2 weeks later...

Is it possible to have the download link emailed to the user who purchased the digital file.


I noticed that with the PWA contrib it can lead to a lot of users complaining since they don't have an account and can end up missing the actual download link.


A verification email to their chosen email of choice in checkout would minimize the problems.

  • 2 weeks later...

Newest problem.


Using the PWA - Purchase Without Account contrib. and Download of Digital Content does not work.


When it is time to actually download the SONG it will not work for users who used the CHECKOUT Without an Account, the link to the file will be blank, but it WORKS FINE for Users who created or had an account.


Anyone get this to work or know why this is happening?

Debugging this kind of problem is always a chore. I think I'm gonna start to compile my own comprehensive check list of things to check. Many things could be the problem. Lot's of threads with various solutions.


That being said let 's try a few.


Triple check the permissions on the pub folder to make sure it is readable/writable by all (chmod 777).


Check that the download file in download folder is readable by all.


Check the file name (upper/lower case issues) in the product attribute.


Is there a product attribute (like download here) that you created for the product that shows up in the product description. (Some say this is not required).


Is the weight of the product set to zero?


Check the default order status in admin (maybe change it to delivered) for testing purposes. admin->localization->order status.




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