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customer's state registration problems


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We really need some help.


When her customers register the insertion of the state function has stopped working. It will not let the user put in some of their states. Some of the states are being duplicated in the list, those are the ones not being allowed.


Can you help me? You can see it by going to http://ifoundithere.biz


This is my sister's store and she really needs help. It is a new store and she finally is getting customers to her store. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Regarding duplicated states, you can attempt to remove duplicates in the Zones table of your database using phpmyadmin. However, it might be easier to restore the original Zones table from the oscommerce.sql file.


Also, Steve L.'s Country-State Selector fixes a number of shortcomings with the standard Country & State/Province registration fields.




"The Country-State Selector contribution provides the following enhancements to the Create Account and Address Book features of osCommerce:


- When the customer first views the Create Account or Add Address Book Entry form, a default country is pre-selected

- If the default country has zones (states, provinces, etc.), a drop-down list for the zones is automatically displayed; if no zones are in the database, a normal text input field is shown instead

- If the customer changes the country, the form refreshes and the state field is updated according to the new country; any entries in other fields are preserved"

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