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The e-commerce.

That begins indeed has to make!!!!!


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It is not the first time when I ways of the persons to post to ask of the help or give their dissatisfaction in the section downloading of contribution.

I irritates me...

This section is made for the downloading and not for the comments.


The persons who posts them comments instead of files are morons of first.

We meet ourselves with a mixture of link who look nothing and we do not know any more or is the contribution, which is the good version, etc.


With the rhythm where OK, we are going to meet itself with a big mess....


Is not there to moderator for this section?

Nobody verifies files?

Anybody does not maintain this section?


I hope that persons are going to react has this.




Thank you.


PS: Sorry for poor english.

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To top it off, like I said before there should be a vault keeper there to remove idtiotic statements like those. Also CRELoaded hacks should be immediately deleted as it does not pertain to this site. They have their own forums and space to upload hacks which is more appropiate since this site is for regular osC users.


I for one, nominate myself to become the vault keeper. I'll keep a watch on it like a friggin' hawk with zero tolerance.

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To top it off, like I said before there should be a vault keeper there to remove idtiotic statements like those.  Also CRELoaded hacks should be immediately deleted as it does not pertain to this site.  They have their own forums and space to upload hacks which is more appropiate since this site is for regular osC users.


I for one, nominate myself to become the vault keeper.  I'll keep a watch on it like a friggin' hawk with zero tolerance.


I'll second the nomination, but what good is watching without the power to terminate? :ph34r:

"Buy the ticket, take the ride..." -HST

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I'll second the nomination, but what good is watching without the power to terminate? :ph34r:



There should be some logic for "forking" of contibs as well.


Liike for instance, I can think of one contri that has a latest version and a latest version STS compliant in one thread. This particular instance the contributors/editors made it clear but in quite a few more it isn't


Maybe there should be a "parent contibs" box and a "child contribs" box so if someone wants to say alter a contri in a way that really changes it functionality (sts compliant, when the sts compliant wont work for non sts sites) they can start a new contri and link back to the parent etc..



just my 1.5 cents

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Just one comment from the peanut gallery, when MS3 is finally released, create a new contributions section for it. One for MS2 and below and one for MS3 so people won't be trying to install MS2 contribs into MS3 and then complain about it not working.


Just my opinion,


Bob G.


(Opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one) :lol:

Installed Contributions: CCGV, Close Popup, Dynamic Meta Tags, Easy Populate, Froogle Data Feeder, Google Position, Infobox Header Entire Row, Live Support for OSC, PayPal Seal with CC images, Report_m Sales, Shop by Price Revised, SQL Updater, Who's Online Enhancement, Footer, GNA EP Assistant and still going.

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