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Length parameter - Error Message


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Warning: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0. in d:\inetpub\colorwiz.com.au\wwwRoot\catalog\includes\functions\cache.php on line 60



What does this mean - it comes up when I 'log-in' from the home page - everything still seems to work fine except for this error message that appears top left hand corner...


Also -when I add an item to my shopping cart and I click to view cart contents - it tells me I have nothing nin my shopping cart???


PLease please help - anyone....

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  • 3 weeks later...
Warning: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0. in d:\inetpub\colorwiz.com.au\wwwRoot\catalog\includes\functions\cache.php on line 60

What does this mean - it comes up when I 'log-in' from the home page - everything still seems to work fine except for this error message that appears top left hand corner...


Also -when I add an item to my shopping cart and I click to view cart contents - it tells me I have nothing nin my shopping cart???


PLease please help - anyone....



I got this error too at one point. Basically, I had followed the instructions here which is the right thing to do. However, at the bottom it tells you to make three blank files (categories_box-english.cache, manufacturers_box-english.cache, also_purchased-english.cache) and FTP them to your cache folder. If you had done this then you will need to delete these from your cache directory folder and start fresh again. After you do this delete your local cache from your Temporary Internet Files folder on your pc and then go to your website again and it should register you a new cache id and it should not show this error message anymore in the future. If you go back into your cache folder (via FTP) you will see brand new cache files created when you visited your site. I think somehow when you upload these blank "fake" cache files to the directory it messes things up.


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