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No Images


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The main page on the store doesn't show any images, when I click on the image i get this link;




where in the configure files would I find this? of is it somewhere else?


I did the upgrade from MS1 to MS2 & have run into some coding errors in other sections of the store as well

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The main page on the store doesn't show any images, when I click on the image i get this link;




where in the configure files would I find this? of is it somewhere else?


I did the upgrade from MS1 to MS2 & have run into some  coding errors in other sections of the store as well



you have not configured DIR_WS_CATALOG in your configure.php file

Treasurer MFC

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you have not configured DIR_WS_CATALOG in your configure.php file



I did the upgrade & it had errors after that, I just dumped the site (200megs) & starting over again, just have to pull the " images " from each folder into the correct place in the new setup & that should fix my store back the way it was & be upgraded.


long night ahead of me getting it done.


might lose 36hrs of sleep, but it beats a store that doesn't work for the next week trying to repair the old code.

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