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The e-commerce.

Images Under Product Description


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I once saw an oscommerce store with two or three additional images under each product description. I thought that was awesome and it would really help me to sell more things at my software store. Does anyone know what I'm talking about, and more importantly, how to implement this? Thanks a lot for any replies.

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With the standard osCommerce the product description is "HTML" compatible so you can place anything you want including images in the description area.


You also can install many image contributions that can do lots of good stuff in this area. Search under Contributions for "images" and you see quite a few.


You might also want to install the WYSIWYG contribution that makes the product description area of admin really easy to use.




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With the standard osCommerce the product description is "HTML" compatible so you can place anything you want including images in the description area.


You also can install many image contributions that can do lots of good stuff in this area. Search under Contributions for "images" and you see quite a few.


You might also want to install the WYSIWYG contribution that makes the product description area of admin really easy to use.





Oh thanks a bunch, Tom. I didn't realize the product description area accepted HTML. That opens up a world of possibilities. Cheers.

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