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Basic Guide for Set up.


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I am becoming more and more frustrated by not being able to edit anything. I have no knowledge of php/sql hence why I opted for the option of osCommerce as I was informed by my web host that it is a 1Click solution. If this was the case my site would have been set up 4 days ago, but as it is I am stuck on how to edit the default front page. I have spent that last few days scrolling through all of the forums to find help, but as my knowledge is limited I am having trouble understanding what I need to do. I think there are too many people here who are posting reponses with the understanding that the person they are informing has a basic knowledge.


Is there a basic info guide that can walk a newbie like me through step by step instructions on the best and easiest way to remove the default text on the front page without having parse errors. I have tried to download the index php file, amend and then upload but I still have the same outcome.


Can anybody help me before I through my PC out of the window.


1Click set up my A##E!!


Regards to all


Simon Lowe

[email protected]


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Lets see, there's:


Collaborative Documentation Effort




osCommerce Knowledge Base


Two good places to start.


To change the text on the index page, the basic instructions are right there in Step 2:


Editing Page Texts


The text shown here can be modified in the following file, on each language basis:


[path to catalog]/includes/languages/english/index.php


That file can be edited manually, or via the Administration Tool with the Languages->English->Define or Tools->File Manager modules.


The text is set in the following manner:


define('TEXT_MAIN', 'This is a default setup of the osCommerce project...');


The text highlighted in green may be modified - it is important to keep the define() of the TEXT_MAIN keyword. To remove the text for TEXT_MAIN completely, the following example is used where only two single quote characters exist:


define('TEXT_MAIN', '');

Installed Contributions: CCGV, Close Popup, Dynamic Meta Tags, Easy Populate, Froogle Data Feeder, Google Position, Infobox Header Entire Row, Live Support for OSC, PayPal Seal with CC images, Report_m Sales, Shop by Price Revised, SQL Updater, Who's Online Enhancement, Footer, GNA EP Assistant and still going.

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I understand that the instructions are on the front page as you have quoted but I have been trying to use these for the last few days and I keep getting parse errors. I am not trying to change code in some instances just the text that is already there and when I save I have the erros. This is the problem I've been having.


So is there an alternative way to to making the changes



Lets see, there's:


Collaborative Documentation Effort




osCommerce Knowledge Base


Two good places to start.


To change the text on the index page, the basic instructions are right there in Step 2:

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In catalog > includes > languages > english > index.php startng at about line 13 edit anything I have in blue here:



define('TEXT_MAIN', 'This is a default setup of the osCommerce project, products shown are for demonstrational purposes, <b>any products purchased will not be delivered nor will the customer be billed</b>. Any information seen on these products is to be treated as fictional.<br><br><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="2"><tr><td class="main" valign="top">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'default/1.gif') . '</td><td class="main" valign="top"><b>Error Messages</b><br><br>If there are any error or warning messages shown above, please correct them first before proceeding.<br><br>Error messages are displayed at the very top of the page with a complete <span class="messageStackError">background</span> color.<br><br>Several checks are performed to ensure a healthy setup of your online store - these checks can be disabled by editing the appropriate parameters at the bottom of the includes/application_top.php file.</td></tr><td class="main" valign="top">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'default/2.gif') . '</td><td class="main" valign="top"><b>Editing Page Texts</b><br><br>The text shown here can be modified in the following file, on each language basis:<br><br><nobr class="messageStackSuccess">[path to catalog]/includes/languages/' . $language . '/' . FILENAME_DEFAULT . '</nobr><br><br>That file can be edited manually, or via the Administration Tool with the <nobr class="messageStackSuccess">Languages->' . ucfirst($language) . '->Define</nobr> or <nobr class="messageStackSuccess">Tools->File Manager</nobr> modules.<br><br>The text is set in the following manner:<br><br><nobr>define(\'TEXT_MAIN\', \'<span class="messageStackSuccess">This is a default setup of the osCommerce project...</span>\');</nobr><br><br>The text highlighted in green may be modified - it is important to keep the define() of the TEXT_MAIN keyword. To remove the text for TEXT_MAIN completely, the following example is used where only two single quote characters exist:<br><br><nobr>define(\'TEXT_MAIN\', \'\');</nobr><br><br>More information concerning the PHP define() function can be read <a href="http://www.php.net/define" target="_blank"><u>here</u></a>.</td></tr><tr><td class="main" valign="top">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'default/3.gif') . '</td><td class="main" valign="top"><b>Securing The Administration Tool</b><br><br>It is important to secure the Administration Tool as there is currently no security implementation available.</td></tr><tr><td class="main" valign="top">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'default/4.gif') . '</td><td class="main" valign="top"><b>Online Documentation</b><br><br>Online documentation can be read at the <a href="http://wiki.oscommerce.com" target="_blank"><u>osCommerce Wiki Documentation Effort</u></a> site.<br><br>Community support is available at the <a href="http://www.oscommerce.com/forums" target="_blank"><u>osCommerce Community Support Forums</u></a> site.</td></tr></table><br>If you wish to download the solution powering this shop, or if you wish to contribute to the osCommerce project, please visit the <a href="http://www.oscommerce.com" target="_blank"><u>support site of osCommerce</u></a>. This shop is running on osCommerce version <font color="#f0000"><b>' . PROJECT_VERSION . '</b></font>.');


A few basit hints:


DO NOT use the filemanager in osCommerce to edit your files, ftp to your PC, edit using notepad or any text editor and ftp the file back.


If a word is spelled "don't" enter it as "don\'t"


Examples if how to use html code is in the original text


ALWAYS backup your work before making any changes


Use the forum, ask specific questions, include your url, the page or pages your having an issue with, paste the error message. The error message normally will give the line number the error is happening on, copy and paste 5 lines before to 5 lines after and we can take a look and help.

Installed Contributions: CCGV, Close Popup, Dynamic Meta Tags, Easy Populate, Froogle Data Feeder, Google Position, Infobox Header Entire Row, Live Support for OSC, PayPal Seal with CC images, Report_m Sales, Shop by Price Revised, SQL Updater, Who's Online Enhancement, Footer, GNA EP Assistant and still going.

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Frustration... I know that word well. I have started, given up, started again... Paid a couple experts to do some of the work when I was ready to throw in the towel.


You see like you, I had no knowledge of php... and I only had limited knowledge of html. OsCommerce, in my opinion, is definitely not a turn key set up... and if that is what you really want you should try something else.


But if you're willing to do the work, or pay someone to do some of it for you... I'm sure you will be pleased with the end result.


I am almost ready to go live with my store and I am very pleased with the end result... it made all the frustration worthwhile! :thumbsup:


Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

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