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Dreamweaver only shows php placeholders


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I'm very experienced in programming and html coding, but I've gotten into oscommerce and php. I've accquired dreamweaver, but when I load the index.php page it only shows php placeholders and not images or anything else. Is this because I don't have all the files there?

Can I use dreamweaver to edit on the server.

Sorry for the newb questions, but This is a crash course.



Chris Robertson

[email protected]


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I'm very experienced in programming and html coding, but I've gotten into oscommerce and php. I've accquired dreamweaver, but when I load the index.php page it only shows php placeholders and not images or anything else. Is this because I don't have all the files there?

Can I use dreamweaver to edit on the server.

Sorry for the newb questions, but This is a crash course.



Most (all?) of your editing will be done using the code view.

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If you're going to be working with osCommerce then I recommend that you install a local server on your computer - so that you can actually see the website and interact with it much as you would do online.


If you've not done this before then I'd recommed you use the all-in-one package XAMPP - easy to install and use. It does use php5 which is a bit of a problem for osCommerce, but this is simple to get around. Plenty of posts on how to do that.



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