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The e-commerce.

Image Size


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In order to put images in the left hand column, I turned off the sizing of images in my admin panel. The only individual sizing I can do from there is for the small image size (and now med and lg since I added that contribution). MY issue now is the size of the manufacturers logo on the product pages. I would like to have it a smaller size so that the right hand column doesn't take up so much space, but if I make the Manufacturers' logos smaller, then OSC resizes it on the product pages at the top and it is all stretched out.

For now I have them set wide, so the right hand column is wide but the image is not blurred on the page.

So.. I guess my question is. Can I have different sizes for the Categories Image and the Manufacturers Image. What if I somehow just didn't show the manufacturers Heading when someone shops by manufacturer. Can I turn that off without turning off the Categories Heading.




Currently I only have a couple of the Manufacturer logos uploaded (Mara Mi is one.) until I figure out how big to make them.

Thanks..and I hope that made sense.


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