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hsbc step by step


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Does anyone know how to install the hsbc info so i can take payment via the hsbc payment pages??

i need to know what softwear i need to download and also how to get it installed!

Can anyone out there help?



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No, go here and use this one (written by the same person but more up to date):




Also, although it is boring and highly technical, you are going to have to read in detail the HSBC CD Rom Integration Guide. This module is a bit of a nightmare to install but worth it in the end.



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No, go here and use this one (written by the same person but more up to date):




Also, although it is boring and highly technical, you are going to have to read in detail the HSBC CD Rom Integration Guide.  This module is a bit of a nightmare to install but worth it in the end.




I can not get this link to work??? is it still ok?


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Ok thanks i have now got this but i am stuck allready!!!

i have downloaded the checkour process.php file and changed it like it says, i have now uploaded it but i still can not find the hsbc moduel in the payment area?

anyone know what i am doing wrong?


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There's a whole lot more to installing the HSBC module and getting it to interface properly with the HSBC side of things than just following the install instructions. Expect it to take days or a week or more - as you've never done it before - and don't even try unless you really know what you are doing. HSBC integration is not for beginners!



At the very least you need to thoroughly read the CPI Integration Guide CD Rom from HSBC, plus read all of the thread in the Support Forum for Contributions - there's one just for the HSBC Module. Don't even start until you've done all that.




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