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Help Me Please


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i am having problem with changing the background color. i changed it before. but when i went to change it agian it wont change :angry: . do ihave to change in any other css files.


please help


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if it changed once then wont again, the first thing to check is your browsers cache files. maybe it is storing the old ones in temp internet files.


empty your browser cache (google for directions) then refresh your page.

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other css files? maybe thats your problem right there. there should only be one.


unless you are referring to the one that the admin panel uses.


one for store.

one for admin.


template system?

if you want to change the one for template X change the one in template x folder.

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i didn't touch nothing with the admin files. i changed the css file for boxes and includes, you think that affects it

because its really wierd how is it doing like that.



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