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image question


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I've read all the secure/non secure threads and the knowledge base about this to no avail. I hope someone can help me figure this out. I'm still getting that error (secure/nonsecure items).


My configure.php is relative catalog/images. I've changed the below to add '1' per another thread in application and general.php files:


$request_type = (getenv('HTTPS') == '1' or 'on') ? 'SSL' : 'NONSSL';


There's nothing in my stylesheet referencing images. The image causing the problem is the pixel_trans.jpg on the login page and my catalog images. I read the knowledge base about this and my link to that file in the login is


<td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.jpg', '100%', '10'); ?></td>


If I change it to (DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'pixel_trans.jpg', '100%', '10') the images don't show.


Help :)


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