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Unable to determine the page link!


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Interesting, I was trying to find "Unable to determine the page link" in the Search - no results!


Anyhow, question:


OS is installed with CPanel, everything was working OK.


suddenly I discovered a red message in the left bottom.


"Error. Unable to determine the page link!"


I thought something is wrong with Categories, so they all deleted and products are in Top (root) category.


There was no error massage, until you sort scrolling though pages, - I have 40 products now. On the second page error did appeared again.


see it here:




Thank you, folks!

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I found, it is in My Store,


Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development)

Use search-engine safe urls for all site links





Pre-set is "false"


Changing it to "true"


gives "Error, Link nor found" warning.


I almost took the entire insatllation down trying to find a cost of it!


community should be warned!

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