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The e-commerce.

Problem when deleting Language


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Hi all


Im working with OSC from awhile.

Now i have a strange error with the admin part that never happens before.


I usualy delete all languages files from my shops except my mother language ( Portuguese ) and never had problems before with that, now with one new shop that im doing i delete all other languages files and when i going to add some categories / products it appears in blank ( no categories found / no errors in browser ) even that came with the pre installation, if i restore the backup or add one more language it appears again ...


I dont know if u guys understand what i saying ( explain ), but any help will be apreciated.


Best regards

Mario Vital

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1. Did you make Portuguese the default langauge, in admin, _before_ deleting the PHP files ?


2. If you have a blank screen, then set the PHP value, either in PHP.INI or your .htaccess file to:


display_errors - set to 'On'



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yes i make portuguese as the default language before delete all other languages, and i dont have a blank screen... what is happen is the following:


all the menus works , but everthing realtion with products / categories look like empty ... not even the "demo store" products appear if i install again another languague everthing look allright.


imag1.gif with only portuguese language

imag2.gif with another one and portuguese


maybe anyone can know what wrong ... or if this happen to anyon else.



any help will be apreciated

Thz for all

Mario Vital

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have the value ID = 4...


Arrr..... !!


Now, if you check the following tables please, and tell me what "language identifier" is used in each.


1. categories_description - language_id


2. languages - languages_id


3. manufacturers_info - languages_id


4. orders_status - language_id


5. products_description - language_id


6. products_options - language_id


7. products_options_values - language_id


8. reviews_description - languages_id



I doubt if any of them will have a value of '4', more than likely a value of '1'.



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thz guys

i making it works, simple install again the English language then change the ID to 3 and change Portuguese ID to 1 and the delete the english languague ( and all the files ) ... now everthing works fine ....


Thz for all

Best regards


Mario Vital

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haha, never delete the lang files from server :) . i did it once and all gone. now i let it be, just remove the box and option


It is 100% "safe" to delete the language files from the server, as long as the language code (i.e. language ID # ) is not being used anywhere within the database.



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i making it works, simple install again the English language then change the ID to 3 and change Portuguese ID to 1 and the delete the english languague ( and all the files ) ... now everthing works fine ....


Yes, that will work okay, as long as only language ID 1 is being used in all the tables I previously mentioned.



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i allways did that delete all files except the Portuguese Language but never happens this , dont really know what i did this time .. but that i solved .... Yes, i solved :)


Just editing directly from phpmyadmin all the language ID from 4 ( portuguese ) to 1 ( old english ID to the new portuguese ID )


thz for all guys

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