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problem with over 200 subcatergories


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HELP - I am setting up a store that has under one category 200+ subcategories.

Actually there are 300+ but as soon as I load in the 201 it crashes apache and wont display the page.

When I take it back to 200 its fine.


Is there a limitation on how many subcategories you can display ?

Can the number be set somewhere to allow more?


Does anyone else have more than 200 subcategories in a store that works ok?

If so how did you do it


I'm really looking forward to any assitance please


Kind regards


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The error message I get is


The exception unknown software exception (0x00000fd) occurred in the application at location 0x0094b6a7


I have tried this over and over with different entries just in case and it still crashes it at 201 subcategories.


yes I am aware that I miss spelt subcategories on the topic :blush:




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I think the problem is your server or something as one of my top level categories contains 444 sub-categories with 1305 products and yet another top level has 444 sub-categories with 2078 products and growing....


not a limitation of osc ...at least not my version....

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I think the problem is your server or something as one of my top level categories contains 444 sub-categories with 1305 products and yet another top level has 444 sub-categories with 2078 products and growing....


not a limitation of osc ...at least not my version....


Hi Rodney,

Hmm interseting, well I am running ms2 cre loaded version and its on my xp pro with apache and php etc .

HTTP Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Win32) PHP/4.2.3

PHP Version: 4.2.3 (Zend: 1.2.0)


Maybe I should upload it to the main server and see if its a problem there. I dont think the problem is because of it being a loaded version though.



Thanks for your message :)


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