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The e-commerce.

Customer Add Product


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I have the contrib installed, and working, for the most part. For some reason I don't boxes for the item description or title, and the catagory drop down doesn't list the categories. (Manufacturers are listed).






If there's any source code you want me to provide let me know.



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empo please help !!!

Thanks to your great contribution , i finally decide to pass from ms1 to ms2 !!!!


i did everything , but i get this error message .


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_reset_cache_block() in /home/khposgr/public_html/newshop/account_add.php on line 102


when i do insert the product .


What's the wrong ?

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empo please help !!!

Thanks to your great contribution , i finally decide to pass from ms1 to ms2 !!!!


i did everything , but i get this error message .


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_reset_cache_block() in /home/khposgr/public_html/newshop/account_add.php on line 102


when i do insert the product  .


What's the wrong ?


maybe you remember me . I was trying to fix your contribution to Ms1 !!!

Thanks to your contribution , i finally decide to convert my e-shop to Ms2 .

I downloaded the last version of your contribution , i 've did everything step by step .

Look was it is going on .....

Customer ( after my aprovement only from phpmyadmin ... ) can add products . But when he push the final button ( insert) the product is going at his category , normal , with a wait for aprovement from administrator , but i get the following error message when the next page is trying to be loaded .


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_reset_cache_block() in /home/khposgr/public_html/newshop/account_add.php on line 110


Please help me !!!

Is this a function that was already before i installed your contribution ? or is a new one and why it does'nt find it ?

you can check it out at www.khpos.gr/newshop

Please , I need your help !!!

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it's ok !!!!


i just put out the use cache function from admin area and everything is working properly !!!!

Anyway thank you very much for your great contribution !!!!


ps. is there a possibility for the visitor to edit his products as admin do it ?

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Another suggestion !!!!


I was thinking of .....

We 're doing a virtual product named "add products service " or something like that .

When the customer buys this product online using his credit card , the switch at customer_ap field changes to 1 ( give the access to the customer to add products ) , so everything is online now !!!

He don't wait the permission to be given from the administrator .


I don't know how to do it in php , but i suppose that at checkout_success page we must put a query that is looking for the specific product if it is buyed from this customer .

When it finds it , it changes the customer_ap field to 1 .


What do you think can we do it ?


ps. of cource i think that the previus suggestion will be very usefull . Suppose we have 10 customers with their products(suppose 100 each one ) and every year they want to change prices . We can't do it !!! They must be able to do it !!!

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Hi Maxim,


The "Wishlist 2.0" has a good interface where you can take piece of code to implement the "list of user's product" with the possibility to delete on of them by the user, and the possibility to "edit" the product.



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2->jimtsik i need ms1 if you have it send it to me


some mistake was in last update so change it from



## Open file: product_reviews_write.php at line :51

## Add code :

//BOF:Customer Add product

$customer_query = tep_db_query("select customers_firstname, customers_lastname,customers_email_address from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '" . (int)$product_info['customer_id'] . "'");

$customer = tep_db_fetch_array($customer_query);

define(EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT,'New review added for your product');

$mail = "There New Review added for product ".$product_info['products_name']." you add\n\n";

$mail .= "Review :\n".$review."\n\n";

tep_mail($pcustomer['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $pcustomer['customers_lastname'], $pcustomer['customers_email_address'], EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, $email, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);

//EOF:Customer add product





## Open file: product_reviews_write.php at line :51

## Add code :

//BOF:Customer Add product

$pcustomer_query = tep_db_query("select customers_firstname, customers_lastname,customers_email_address from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '" . (int)$product_info['customer_id'] . "'");

$pcustomer = tep_db_fetch_array($pcustomer_query);

define(EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT,'New review added for your product');

$mail = "There New Review added for product ".$product_info['products_name']." you add\n\n";

$mail .= "Review :\n".$review."\n\n";

tep_mail($pcustomer['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $pcustomer['customers_lastname'], $pcustomer['customers_email_address'], EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, $mail, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);

//EOF:Customer add product

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i can make one more item in menu for user something like manage your own products where customer be able to change alredy added product.


about "add products service" i did something like this not every customer can add products only those who admin permitted to

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i can make one more item in menu for user something like manage your own products where customer be able to change alredy added product.


about "add products service" i did something like this not every customer can add products only those who admin permitted to


It will be very usefull if you can make another selection like "edit your products " in account .

I suggest a querry that is shearching only customers products and lists them for editing .

Another question !!!

What about if customer wants to add a new category ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

how will sellers get paid? do i collect payment from the buyer or do i let the buyer paypal the seller?


if i collect payment then i need a way of tracking sales and payments to sellers...


i'm very interested in knowing how other users plan to handle payments.

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  • 1 month later...

Customer Add Product v1.3.1(Security bug fixed)


Security bug found by:Bacen


Description: customer able to change GET request and edit any products


Solution: Update to new version.

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<_< keep getting the same problem everytime hope some1 can help me out

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_languages() in /data/members/paid/1/2/12tie.nl/htdocs/www/account_add.php on line 192 thanks in forward

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now i have the following problem when i update a product as customer it's not added to the catalog and all the manufaturers are all called 0

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sorry it works for 99% now but when i wanna manage my product the following error occures:Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_draw_file_field() (previously declared in /data/members/paid/1/2/12tie.nl/htdocs/www/includes/functions/html_output.inc.php:3) in /data/members/paid/1/2/12tie.nl/htdocs/www/includes/functions/product_manage.php on line 5

i :thumbsup: hope there is a way to solve it cause i love this contrib

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you need to erase "html_output.inc.php"

after this go to html_output.php and find this code:

//BOF:Add new product


//EOF:Add new product


Delete it.

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thanks i'm using the sts_template and now im having problems with the sts_user_code.php hopefully you know about this template and how do i get my manufacturers back cause the names are still 00000000 anyway thanks for your support :thumbsup:

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about template system yes i know but no problem should be with this template


about manufacturers i will check it


also another bug found non approved customer can enter to manage products


In next version i will fix it

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This is the error i'm getting still after everything you said:Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_get_category_tree() (previously declared in /data/members/paid/1/2/12tie.nl/htdocs/www/includes/functions/product_manage.php:79) in /data/members/paid/1/2/12tie.nl/htdocs/www/includes/sts_user_code.php on line 42 <_<

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