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The e-commerce.

Customer Add Product


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Has anyone fixed the preview problem? When I add a product with CAP, the body width expands greatly and it doesn't look good. Same thing happens in the Admin panel when adding products.


Any help will be appreciated.


Yeah.. Ive fixed it. It's missing a few closing tags, such as </td></tr></table>... Its quite hard to find them, and i dont have the right input place left cuz my webshop is heavily modified.


If you check the code, and know HTML, you should be able to find the right place :)


Good luck

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Hello, I have several problems:

- If there are no pictures I like it when it is realized:


With an image it goes.


- When a customer a product shipments of the product appears as being sent by all clients.


- And if I want to validate that all clients simultaneously.


- In the admin I have a client side "Admins" if I select:

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /public_html/***/***/***/admin/customers.php on line 1212


Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /public_html/***/***/***/admin/customers.php on line 1212


Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /public_html/***/***/***/admin/customers.php on line 1214


Warning: reset() [function.reset]: Passed variable is not an array or object in /public_html/***/***/***/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 17


Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /public_html/***/***/***/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php


- In the e-mail received was "A new product has been added in category: "tests as" while in the menu on the client side it has "test-> tests as"


ms2 + cap 1.4.3

Edited by NEMROD34
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Just solved it.


Open includes/funcions/database.php



 function tep_db_prepare_input($string) {
   if (is_string($string)) {
     return trim(tep_sanitize_string(stripslashes($string)));
   } elseif (is_array($string)) {
     while (list($key, $value) = each($string)) {
       $string[$key] = tep_db_prepare_input($value);
     return $string;
   } else {
     return $string;


Replace with...

  function tep_db_prepare_input($string) {
   if (is_string($string)) {
     return trim(stripslashes($string));
   } elseif (is_array($string)) {
     while (list($key, $value) = each($string)) {
       $string[$key] = tep_db_prepare_input($value);
     return $string;
   } else {
     return $string;



Hello Zane86,


Thank you a lot for your help. That work but if you click on Edit => Préview => Back it put a \ before every "

Do you know how can I fixe it please?

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Im not quite sure what you mean there buddy. Could you perhaps try and explain à little better?




If A customer want to add a product, he had to clic on Add new product. In the Descrition section if he write " and he clic on preview and after he clic on back he find \" instead of " in the description field.

Do you know how can we fixe it please?

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If A customer want to add a product, he had to clic on Add new product. In the Descrition section if he write " and he clic on preview and after he clic on back he find \" instead of " in the description field.

Do you know how can we fixe it please?


Strange.. It doesent do that for me, så i have no clue accualy.

But i guess you will find the problem in includes/funcions/database.php around the same place where you fixed that <p> were converted to _p_

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Strange.. It doesent do that for me, så i have no clue accualy.

But i guess you will find the problem in includes/funcions/database.php around the same place where you fixed that <p> were converted to _p_


Thank you

actually it does for all the special characters like: '" \

and only after click the button : back

I'm looking to fixe it but it's not so easy.

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Im not quite sure what you mean there buddy. Could you perhaps try and explain à little better?





I fixed the problem. In fact the error is in the file account_manage.php in the line:

<td class="main" width="100%"><?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('products_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '20', '10', (isset($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) ? $products_description[$languages[$i]['id']] : tep_get_products_description($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id']))); ?></td>


While in the admin/cathegories.php it is written:

<td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('products_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '70', '15', (isset($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) ? ereg_replace('& ', '& ', trim(stripslashes($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]))) : tep_get_products_description($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id']))); ?></td>


The good line is the admin/cathegories.php line.


That's all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This contribution make ability to customer add products to your shop.

Products must be approve by administrator.


Download here



:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Nice contribution!


But here I not so understand what is step 3 and 4 means. is this for create a table?


 Execute Sql command:
         ALTER TABLE `products` ADD `customer_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AFTER `manufacturers_id` ;
 Execute Sql command:
         INSERT INTO `customers` ( `customers_id` , `customers_gender` , `customers_firstname` , `customers_lastname` , `customers_dob` , `customers_email_address` , `customers_default_address_id` , `customers_telephone` , `customers_fax` , `customers_password` , `customers_newsletter` )
         VALUES ('0', 'm', 'Administrator', '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '0', '', NULL , '', NULL);
    INSERT INTO `address_book` VALUES (address_book_id, 0, 'm', '', 'Administrator', 'Administrator', 'Administrator', 'Administrator', 'Administra', 'Administrator', 'Administrator', 176, 0);



Thank you.


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:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Nice contribution!


But here I not so understand what is step 3 and 4 means. is this for create a table?


 Execute Sql command:
         ALTER TABLE `products` ADD `customer_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AFTER `manufacturers_id` ;
 Execute Sql command:
         INSERT INTO `customers` ( `customers_id` , `customers_gender` , `customers_firstname` , `customers_lastname` , `customers_dob` , `customers_email_address` , `customers_default_address_id` , `customers_telephone` , `customers_fax` , `customers_password` , `customers_newsletter` )
         VALUES ('0', 'm', 'Administrator', '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '0', '', NULL , '', NULL);
    INSERT INTO `address_book` VALUES (address_book_id, 0, 'm', '', 'Administrator', 'Administrator', 'Administrator', 'Administrator', 'Administra', 'Administrator', 'Administrator', 176, 0);



Thank you.




I belive those steps are so that you can give the customer access to add products on the site. The site checks the database to see if the customer is allowed or not to access the publish-site.

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I belive those steps are so that you can give the customer access to add products on the site. The site checks the database to see if the customer is allowed or not to access the publish-site.


Thank you for your reply. :rolleyes:

So those 2 steps is for me create 2 tables,right? :rolleyes:

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Could someone tell me how can I can't find (admin/includes/languages/customers.php)this page in my root?

I see it in admin/includes/languages/english/customers.php....?




## Open file: admin/includes/languages/customers.php at line :468(end)

## Add code :

define('CATEGORY_CUSTOMER_APP', 'Approve Customer');

define('ENTRY_CUSTOMER_APP', 'Approve customer');

define('YES', 'Yes');

define('NO', 'No');

Edited by XiaoChin
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I installed it, But can't find appove batton(Allow user add products)from admin.

Where is please? :-"


Log in to admin

Look for the user u want to give permission to

In there, there should be something called "Approved Customer"... or something like that.. Set it to yes

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Log in to admin

Look for the user u want to give permission to

In there, there should be something called "Approved Customer"... or something like that.. Set it to yes




I think I make misstated.....

I can't find anywhere from admin something like"Approved Customer..."

Oh, How can I do?


I using Oscommerce vs2.2 RC2

Download latest version of: CAP 1.4.3 with French



Followed "readme" step by step,

Never get any error message after this.


I still have to download or setting for something?


Edited by XiaoChin
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Yeah.. Ive fixed it. It's missing a few closing tags, such as </td></tr></table>... Its quite hard to find them, and i dont have the right input place left cuz my webshop is heavily modified.


If you check the code, and know HTML, you should be able to find the right place :)


Good luck



Could you tell me which file you found the missing signs as I have the same issue and cannot fix it...



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Hi, when i try to ADD PRODUCT




shows this page.




and when i try to MODIFY PRODUCT




show this error




AND when i try to endable permision in ADMIN




shows this error




I dont know whats happended


How can i CHANGE permissions to THUMB folder? im ussing windows xp, is a localhost with oscommerce-2.2rc2a EasyPhp 2.0.0


Sorry 4 my english...







Juan, did you manage to solve this issue? and if yes could you advise how?....thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...



I installed Ultimate_SEO_URLSv22d_10 and since I have a problem when a customer add a product via the Customer Add Product contrib. Before installing Ultimate_SEO_URLSv22d_10 there was no problem.

In fact the product is added when the customer click on the Insert button (confirmed) but the page remains static on

http://monsite.biz/account_add.php?osCsid=...product_preview instead of going on the page http://monsite.biz/account.php

The Adding in the admin side works well.

Yet I followed the installation guide to the letter.


Has anyone met the same problem when installing these two contributions?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

does this product work in version 2.3 of oscommerce?? i haven't read anything about this anywhere. thanks.



I would say no, i try it ... and it fails. BUT maybe i'am stupid ^^ so ... it may works by another guy.

Sorry my "English" :-X

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