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How to grab a piece of data from my database


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Hey all,


I only use PayPal in my shop and I have been rewriting my invoices in Excel (copying all customer data from admin panel). Using the Fancier Invoices contribution I was able to completely upgrade the standard invoice to suit my needs to be able to just print the invoice created by osC, and mail THAT directly to customer - Eliminating about 10 minutes per order. I even added new fields to order.php to be recreated in the invoice using UPS XML contrib as a guide.


Only one thing left and my invoice will be perfect.


Usually I add the PayPal transaction ID number to the customers invoice. I know that this info is stored in my database in the table "paypal_ipn" as "txn_id". Now, if I can only figure out how to have that number written to my invoice.


Could someone explain how to get the txn_id value from that person's order to be added to the invoice? It's driving me BATTY!! lol


By the way, my store sells mostly water ionizers and alkaline booster and is located at http://shop.snyderhealth.com. I still have to work on the front page, but I have incorporated many of the contributions, and I am really getting to know my way around PHP.


Thanks to anyone who can help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I might take a stab at this, but I don't have the paypal IPN installed. Can you post the structure of that table for me? You'll need to define tax_id as a variable somewhere, probably admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php. You need to specify where you want the transaction id to show up, and I can try to work that out. The change would go into admin/invoice.php. I've put a mod in mine to print a shipping address in large type at the end of the page, that cut out and use as a shipping label on the box.



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