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Fancier Invoice & Packingslip v1.0


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i have just installed ot_discount_coupon_codes_2.1 but having problems when i create discount voucher with %age. whatever value i put it makes it 100% discount and makes sub order total zero 0 with out shipment.


Any suggestions?

post in the right support forum

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still have a problem with the invoice on the customers side

In the invoice details for the customers only the first letter of the county is shown like this:

Pete Blabla
street 1
UnkownCity, 5000 AA

[email protected]


The invoice on the admin side displays the county correct:

Pete Blabla
street 1
UnkownCity, 5000 AA

[email protected]


Somebody knows why? or had the same problem?

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still have a problem with the invoice on the customers side

In the invoice details for the customers only the first letter of the county is shown like this:

Pete Blabla
street 1
UnkownCity, 5000 AA

[email protected]


The invoice on the admin side displays the county correct:



Somebody knows why? or had the same problem?

I have the same problem.

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Almost everything works O.K. now, except for a few things..

the file: catalog/includes/languages/english/print_my_invoice.php

define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE_NR', 'Invoice Nr.');

Ain't showing the number of the invoice, only the text: Invoice nr.


I also have the above problem, plus one other related to this. The order that the customer sees (account_history_info) also has code in it and the admin invoice also . How do you fix this?


Plus all three have the following code.

define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE_DATE', 'Invoice Nr.');

It does shopw the date, but how can I get this coode to disappear?


There are two other problems I am having.


1. account_history_info

This is the page the customer sees when they view an order.

The table with the order info has the code headings instead of the actual headings.

No matter how hard I look (probably looking too hard) I cannot find where to define the headings.

I think they must be missing or something.



When I go to print the order this headings are defined properly. So I know these headings are not defined in the print_my_invoice.php file that is under language folders.


2. Customer invoice that they print

At the bottom of the invoice there are codes that needs defined:



I don't see these codes in the print_my_invoice.php file under languages.


Any ideas on fixes?

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I have a feeling that this contribution might not work with the basic design pack contribution, as another user that has mailed on here with all the defines in the language file 'printmyinvoice' has the same problems as I do and there isn't a fix. (That I know of)...


Minxy :)


"Keep plodding on to achieve your dreams"

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It ain't that hard, all language files are related to 1 file with a exact name




is related to:



So if you see that your print my invoice contains a bug



you know that there's missing a define in the language file.

In this case it's the: catalog\print_my_invoice.php



define('INVOICE_TEXT_INVOICE_NR', 'Invoice Nr.');

to your catalog\includes\languages\english\print_my_invoice.php

And there you go...


And do that whit all the bugs in the contri, this info might be handy with other contributions


I hope it helped you..

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I have a feeling that this contribution might not work with the basic design pack contribution, as another user that has mailed on here with all the defines in the language file 'printmyinvoice' has the same problems as I do and there isn't a fix. (That I know of)...

I am that user. But I don't see how the design pack would create the problem. There is nothing that I know of that it is doing that would affect invoices, packing slips, etc.


When I look at the codes in the account_history_info.php file, there are codes that do not compare with any of the defines of the language files. Some of the codes in the account_history_info.php are different than in the invoice.php, and print_my_invoice.php files.


For example:

account_history_info.php uses the following codes






Which I cannot find a define any place. Don't know where this file gets the defines. (If I did I would insert the necessary defines in the appopriate file.)



When you click 'Print Order'


uses the following codes:





I thought the solution would be to change the codes in account_history_info.php but that does not work.


There must be a simple solution to this problem.


What is the name and location of the file that gives the defines for the codes that are found in account_history_info.php

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And the odd thing is that the defines which people say are missing - actually aren't! They are all there and exist. Which makes me wonder if it just doesn't work with the design pack. hmmm...


Minxy :)


"Keep plodding on to achieve your dreams"

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The account_history_info.php page has to be pulling the codes from different defines than what are in print_my_invoice.php.


For example:


This is defined correctly on my site. But there is no define found for this in print_my_invoice.php. So the define must be someplace else.



The following item is on the account_history_info.php page

<?php echo HEADING_PRODUCTS; ?>

and it does not display properly.


I created a define for it in print_my_invoice.php. But is still does not display properly.


So, again, where are the defines located for anythign referenced in account_history_info.php?

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I have a problem when the customer enters anything into the COMMENT box during checkout. There is no problem if left blank/empty. However if something is typed there, at the very last step to confirm the order, instead of checkout_success showing, it gets stuck in checkout_process and the invoice shows fullscreen. At the bottom of the page it will say:





Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: objectinfo in /home/content/x/x/x/xxxx/html/catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/templates/fancy.php on line 289





can anyone tell me what the problem is? Thanks

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The account_history_info.php page has to be pulling the codes from different defines than what are in print_my_invoice.php.


Ik think That's correct, but most of the time catalog\includes\languages\english\print_my_invoice.php

is related to:



But anyway, I solved it by working that way.

I had the problem, i saw in the shop that catalog\account_history_info.php was displaying: NAVBAR_TITLE_2 instead of : History


I added in: catalog\includes\languages\english\account_history_info.php

define('NAVBAR_TITLE_2', 'History');

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I have a problem when the customer enters anything into the COMMENT box during checkout. There is no problem if left blank/empty. However if something is typed there, at the very last step to confirm the order, instead of checkout_success showing, it gets stuck in checkout_process and the invoice shows fullscreen. At the bottom of the page it will say:



Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: objectinfo in /home/content/x/x/x/xxxx/html/catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/templates/fancy.php on line 289


can anyone tell me what the problem is? Thanks


Woops, figured it out. For reference, the file is fancy.php that needs to be edited, and


  class objectInfo {

// class constructor
function objectInfo($object_array) {
  while (list($key, $value) = each($object_array)) {
	$this->$key = tep_db_prepare_input($value);


needs to be inserted in between


  Released under the GNU General Public License

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html <?php echo HTML_PARAMS; ?>>


Good luck

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I added in: catalog\includes\languages\english\account_history_info.php

define('NAVBAR_TITLE_2', 'History');

For some reason I never saw that file no matter how many times I looked for it. But I found it, made necessary edits.

So now, all of the invoices and packing slips are displaying good overall except for the invoice on the customers side. Did anyone ever figure out how to resolve the problem with only the first letter of the county being shown?


I also need to remove the extra pricing that is being shown (price including tax). I knwo I saw a post on that issue.


So, FYI this contrib does work with Design Pack.

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So now, all of the invoices and packing slips are displaying good overall except for the invoice on the customers side. Did anyone ever figure out how to resolve the problem with only the first letter of the county being shown?


Yeah me 2... :D


i'am still working on it...

But till now, still no progress :(



butt till now i only broke 3 computer screens.... :P

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Got it :D

Need to do some more testing but it appears to be o.k.



line 453



	  $country = tep_output_string_protected($address['country']['title']);



	  $country = tep_output_string_protected($address['country']);


There could be some issue's with paypal ipn, have to check it out..

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20 minutes???

Should only take 2 minutes

This was one of the original posts on this topic. 2 minutes-who are you kidding. This contrib has all kinds of bugs, missing code, etc. Took 5 hours and still not completely done with it.

The good news is that it will be a nice contrib when done. The developer needs to come out with a clean version.

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Found another bug in the program.

When I go into Admin E-Mail Options and turn on 'Use MIME html when sending e-mails", when a customer places an order and clicks confirmation, they get a blank screen and no e-mail is sent out. However, the orders are shown to have taken place.


Anybody know how to fix the MIME issue?

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Another problem.

When credit card orders are placed, the packing slip shows the order properly, but when viewing the invoice in admin or via customer account, the invoice is cut off. It does not show the product ordered, totals, or the footer of the invocie.

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Another problem.

When credit card orders are placed, the packing slip shows the order properly, but when viewing the invoice in admin or via customer account, the invoice is cut off. It does not show the product ordered, totals, or the footer of the invocie.

I should mention that I am not using PayPal to process credit cards.


Here is the apache error code I am getting:


Using $this when not in object context in /var/www/public_html/ahaplace/html/admin/invoice.php on line 180


Here is line 170 and 180.


if (tep_not_null($order->info['cc_number'])) {

$this->cc_card_number_less_middle_digits = substr($order->info['cc_number'], 0, 4) . str_repeat('x', (strlen($order->info['cc_number']) - 8)) . substr($order->info['cc_number'], -4);



Anybody get credit cards (not using PayPal) to work with this contrib?

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Found another bug in the program.

When I go into Admin E-Mail Options and turn on 'Use MIME html when sending e-mails", when a customer places an order and clicks confirmation, they get a blank screen and no e-mail is sent out. However, the orders are shown to have taken place.


Anybody know how to fix the MIME issue?


I have this somewhat fixed.

The problem was that on line 30 of includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php

the command was wrong

It was:



this was generating the following path



Changed line 30 to:

require(DIR_FS_ADMIN . "/" . DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . "/" . FILENAME_ORDERS_INVOICE);


this generates the correct path



So now I have html generated invoices.




The html generated e-mail invoices ( have the wrong invoice number. They are adding 06- to teh fornt of the invoice number, i.e.

Invoice # 06-12

when it should be Invoice # 12


The non html invoices do not have the 06- in the invoice number.


From what I can see, the code for the invoice number is the same for both templates.

Any idea what is causing the 06 to be added to the invoices?


BTW tghe box template is all messed up.

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