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Fancier Invoice & Packingslip v1.0


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Hi, another problem I'm having is at checkout, whenever I click on confirm order I get the following error:


Warning: main(/home/nu-oro.com/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/nu-oroco/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 30


Warning: main(/home/nu-oro.com/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/nu-oroco/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 30


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '/home/nu-oro.com/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/nu-oroco/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 30


Please help, thank you




This means that the file

/home/nu-oroco/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php is looking for home/nu-oro.com/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php and can't find it.


I see two possibilities:


1. The file is actually missing from the server in which case you will need to upload catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php to your server from your backup files (or a copy from the original installation files). Using your backup files will assure that any modifications made earlier will be restored as of the date of the backup.


or, more likely


2. In the Admin panel, open up Localization/languages and make sure you have entered the language name and code .


3. You can also verify catalog/admin/includes/config.php.

Make sure these lines have the correct settings:


define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/admin/');

define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');


The two definitions above should appear as above (no changes)


Ron (aspenshops)

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Tom - perfectpassion (and others)


Pertaining to: problem with emailed invoices having truncated address causing partial printout of the country name or emailed invoices with htmlspecialchars() error at beginning of Buyer's address.


Affects: osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 060817 Update with 'osCommerce PayPal IPN Module v1.3 and Fancier Invoice & Packingslip v1.3 contributions


Using your clue, I went back into catalog\includes\functions\general.php and found the code you referenced. I found my comment that [title] was added to make this work with the osCommerce Paypal IPN Module v1.3 per some super sleuthing by d1llon. If I take [title] out of the code it fixes the address in the emailed invoice for non-paypal customers, but reinserts the htmlspecialchars() problem for Paypal transactions.


I think the best approach is for me to put [title] back in so it works with Paypal and try to find a way to make the non-paypal invoices work with it in. That's a little beyond my skill levels, so any help from anyone would be appreciated. Again, if I find a fix I'll post it.




I've been looking into this and found a solution. Unfortunately this seems to be a more widespread problem caused by the latest 'fix' in the milestone release. I have noticed if you look at account history the customer's country appears as a single letter also.


The problem is caused in both cases by calling

tep_address_format($order->delivery['format_id'], $order->delivery, 1, ' ', '<br>')

This uses the address from the order class. Since the new milestone fix it is trying to use ['title'] key in the country array and this does not exist in the order class hence why the address is not showing.


The fix for the HTML invoice is as below but this does not fix the more widespread problem in account history.


Fix for single letter country in html invoice:


In catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/templates/html_invoice find (~ line 88):

<td NOWRAP>    <?php echo tep_address_format($order->customer['format_id'], $order->customer, 1, '', '<br>    '); ?></td>

change to:

<td NOWRAP>    <?php echo tep_address_label($order->customer['id'], $billto, 1, '', '<br>    '); ?></td>


and find (~ line 132)

<td NOWRAP>    <?php echo tep_address_format($order->delivery['format_id'], $order->delivery, 1, '', '<br>    '); ?></td>

and change to

<td NOWRAP>    <?php echo tep_address_label($order->customer['id'], $sendto, 1, '', '<br>    '); ?></td>



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I've been looking into this and found a solution. Unfortunately this seems to be a more widespread problem caused by the latest 'fix' in the milestone release. I have noticed if you look at account history the customer's country appears as a single letter also.


The problem is caused in both cases by calling

tep_address_format($order->delivery['format_id'], $order->delivery, 1, ' ', '<br>')

This uses the address from the order class. Since the new milestone fix it is trying to use ['title'] key in the country array and this does not exist in the order class hence why the address is not showing.


The fix for the HTML invoice is as below but this does not fix the more widespread problem in account history.


Fix for single letter country in html invoice:


In catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/templates/html_invoice find (~ line 88):

<td NOWRAP>????<?php echo tep_address_format($order->customer['format_id'], $order->customer, 1, '', '<br>????'); ?></td>

change to:

<td NOWRAP>????<?php echo tep_address_label($order->customer['id'], $billto, 1, '', '<br>????'); ?></td>


and find (~ line 132)

<td NOWRAP>????<?php echo tep_address_format($order->delivery['format_id'], $order->delivery, 1, '', '<br>????'); ?></td>

and change to

<td NOWRAP>????<?php echo tep_address_label($order->customer['id'], $sendto, 1, '', '<br>????'); ?></td>






Are you sure about the second block of code ($sendto )? The first block fixed the problem in the bill to: address, but the second block had no effect.



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It was working for me but because it did not address the wider problem (namely also in account history info) I have left html_invoice unchanged and removed the 'fix' in general.php



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It was working for me but because it did not address the wider problem (namely also in account history info) I have left html_invoice unchanged and removed the 'fix' in general.php




I had the same problem but removing ['Title'] from general.php in \catalog\includes\functions has solved the problem. Works for me, hope this helps.

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I'm new to oscommerce, I'm getting my site up but have incurred some issues. The most pressing one is...


I'm using the Professional Invoice and Packing Slip, and most of the fany invoice comes up except for three things,


1. It's missing the word INVOICE by the first fancy square, it currently says NAVBAR_TITLE_4

2. Where it displays Products SKU# Unit Price Total, it currently displays


3. When I click on Print Invoice it gives me The page cannot be found.


Any ideas, where I"m might have screwed up.



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Hello everybody,


I have a problem with the emails not going through. Neither me nor the customer get the email when order has placed. I recently moved all my files from /oscommerce/ folder to my site root. Everything worked perfectly before the move, but now, it doesn't work any more. I attempted to change all the instances of /oscommerce/ in my url paths, so it points to correct paths. I also checked my admin side to make sure that all configuration settings pertaining to sending emails correct, and they are. I already don't know what else I can check, everything seems to be correct. I went through the installation instructions couple times. However, emails are not sending. :(


Please could anybody advise on what might be wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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Hello everybody,


I have a problem with the emails not going through. Neither me nor the customer get the email when order has placed. I recently moved all my files from /oscommerce/ folder to my site root. Everything worked perfectly before the move, but now, it doesn't work any more. I attempted to change all the instances of /oscommerce/ in my url paths, so it points to correct paths. I also checked my admin side to make sure that all configuration settings pertaining to sending emails correct, and they are. I already don't know what else I can check, everything seems to be correct. I went through the installation instructions couple times. However, emails are not sending. :(


Please could anybody advise on what might be wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.


This doesn't answer your question directly, but thought I would share a method I use to verify if emails are going out. Try creating a dummy customer account and use your own email address as this customer's address. Make a purchase (I use cash/money order for payment method) and see what comes through. For me, my emails come back within one minute. Just delete the order when you're finished.


A couple of areas I know some folks have gotten tripped up on are:

  • In Admin --> configuration --> email options:
    Make sure both 'Send HTML or Text Invoices to Customers' and 'Send Emails' are set to true.
  • Make sure you have a valid Default E-mailed HTML Invoice Template' selected.
  • Make sure you have the correct 'E-Mail Transport Method' selected. sendmail is the most common entry. Even if you think this is set right, experiment with the other settings and use the dummy customer account to test.

Some other tips:

If you have a webmail interface available on your server account try setting it to save all sent messages and then monitor the sent folder to see if the message is getting out of osCommerce. (The web mail interface should save all messages sent whether from web mail itself or from your SMTP/POP3 email client (like MS Outlook, Eudora etc.)


Verify that your email address is correctly defined. (I would tell you where to check this, but I can't find it.)


Ron (aspenshops)

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I'm new to oscommerce, I'm getting my site up but have incurred some issues. The most pressing one is...


I'm using the Professional Invoice and Packing Slip, and most of the fany invoice comes up except for three things,


1. It's missing the word INVOICE by the first fancy square, it currently says NAVBAR_TITLE_4

2. Where it displays Products SKU# Unit Price Total, it currently displays


3. When I click on Print Invoice it gives me The page cannot be found.


Any ideas, where I"m might have screwed up.





This thread is for the contribution titled Fancier Invoice & Packingslip and you are asking a question about Professional Invoice and Packing Slip. Try going to http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...=168637&hl= and check that thread for answers to this question or post the question there.




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This thread is for the contribution titled Fancier Invoice & Packingslip and you are asking a question about Professional Invoice and Packing Slip. Try going to http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...=168637&hl= and check that thread for answers to this question or post the question there.





Lets make that url http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=168637



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This doesn't answer your question directly, but thought I would share a method I use to verify if emails are going out. Try creating a dummy customer account and use your own email address as this customer's address. Make a purchase (I use cash/money order for payment method) and see what comes through. For me, my emails come back within one minute. Just delete the order when you're finished.


A couple of areas I know some folks have gotten tripped up on are:

  • In Admin --> configuration --> email options:
    Make sure both 'Send HTML or Text Invoices to Customers' and 'Send Emails' are set to true.
  • Make sure you have a valid Default E-mailed HTML Invoice Template' selected.
  • Make sure you have the correct 'E-Mail Transport Method' selected. sendmail is the most common entry. Even if you think this is set right, experiment with the other settings and use the dummy customer account to test.

Some other tips:

If you have a webmail interface available on your server account try setting it to save all sent messages and then monitor the sent folder to see if the message is getting out of osCommerce. (The web mail interface should save all messages sent whether from web mail itself or from your SMTP/POP3 email client (like MS Outlook, Eudora etc.)


Verify that your email address is correctly defined. (I would tell you where to check this, but I can't find it.)


Ron (aspenshops)

Thanks for your reply, Ron. I did placed a "dummy" order on my account and the problem is that email is not getting out of osCommerce, not to admin neither to customer. It neither saved at my web mail. I do have all email options set correctly in my admin/configuration. My 'E-Mail Transport Method' was set to SMTP, so I changed it to sendmail. However, it all worked fine earlier with SMTP (I'm on Linux server) being selected. I use invoice.php for 'Default E-mailed HTML Invoice Template'. I really don't know what else to try. Any other ideas?


Thanks a lot.

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For anyone using the Mac platform, I have gotten Opera v9.0 and 9.01 to print correctly, but I would still much rather use Firefox or Safari, if ANYONE can give some insight on why this does not print correctly on these two platforms, it would be appreciated.


You can see the examples here:


Correct image: http://www.one-stop.com/into_correct.jpg

Incorrect image: http://www.one-stop.com/into.jpg


I have this contrib working and it is great!


I have one small problem, when I'm in the admin interface and pull up the packing slip to print and include in the shipping boxes, they boxes straight lines and rounded edges are not lined up on the Mac.


This is OS X 10.4.6 and I can duplicate it on Safari and Firefox.


Internet Explorer prints the invoices and packing slips find with all lines and edges lined up, but Firefox on Windows/Mac along with Safari mis-align.


The alignment isn't off by THAT much, but it does take away from it's professionalism. I know this really isn't this mods fault (at least I don't believe it is), I think it may be a browser issue.


I'm just hoping someone knows how to get around this.



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Hey Guys


Great Contribution and its running great, but what I also want to do is on the invoice put the Expiry Date


I attempted to define this in invoice.php, but kept coming up with a warning error


has anyone done this






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I am new at this and instaled this fancy invoice and got this: :'(


Hope you understand my english?


Warning: main(includes/languages/english/FILENAME_DEFAULT): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /hsphere/local/home/englene/englene.no/catalog/index.php on line 33 Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/FILENAME_DEFAULT' (include_path='.:/hsphere/shared/apache/libexec/php4ext/php/') in /hsphere/local/home/englene/englene.no/catalog/index.php on line 33


What could be wrong


Best Regards



Support for...

Fancier Invoice & Packingslip v1.0

by PopTheTop

*advertising offsite link


This will replace your current boring invoice and packing slip with a much nicer, cleaner and fancier invoice and packing slip. I added a box around certain sections with a drop shadow. Also, I added a few other goodies as well as the order number to both.

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Check catalog/includes/filenames.php

on the line that reads: define('FILENAME_DEFAULT'......... make sure it reads define('FILENAME_DEFAULT', 'index.php');



Ron (aspenshops)







I am new at this and instaled this fancy invoice and got this: :'(


Hope you understand my english?


Warning: main(includes/languages/english/FILENAME_DEFAULT): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /hsphere/local/home/englene/englene.no/catalog/index.php on line 33 Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/FILENAME_DEFAULT' (include_path='.:/hsphere/shared/apache/libexec/php4ext/php/') in /hsphere/local/home/englene/englene.no/catalog/index.php on line 33


What could be wrong


Best Regards


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I have stared my eyes blind now...


I have installed everything correctly and applyed the fix for the trunctiated country names...

But I have one issue, it seems to just send out the default order email to the customers, nothing fancy =(

How the heck do i get it to work..?


I have:

Send HTML or Text Invoices to Customers true

Default E-Mailed HTML Invoice Template html_invoice.php

E-Mail Transport Method sendmail

E-Mail Linefeeds LF

Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails false

Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS false

Send E-Mails true


I have also had the use mime setting to true but to no avail =(


Please leet oscommerce krew, help me =)

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I have stared my eyes blind now...


I have installed everything correctly and applyed the fix for the trunctiated country names...

But I have one issue, it seems to just send out the default order email to the customers, nothing fancy =(

How the heck do i get it to work..?


I have:

Send HTML or Text Invoices to Customers true

Default E-Mailed HTML Invoice Template html_invoice.php

E-Mail Transport Method sendmail

E-Mail Linefeeds LF

Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails false

Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS false

Send E-Mails true


I have also had the use mime setting to true but to no avail =(


Please leet oscommerce krew, help me =)




I was clumbsy enough to miss step 6 of the install.htm

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Hi all,


I installed this contrib ages ago, but have only just got my first order so have only come to use it properly now.


Should their be a print invoice/packing slip button it admin? I haven't got one if there is, what have i missed.


If there isn't one, how do i print out the invoice/packing slip as when i print it via explorer/firefox it looks like this.




Basically all the borders are screwed, looks fine when you view it normally in IE/firefox though


Any ideas?





Edited by daz_75
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Hi Aspenshops,


sorry, i haven't been around the forums lately. But i haven't found a solution to the address problem yet. I noticed that u do have Paypal IPN 1.3 installed as well. Did u have any further problems? I had to un-install Paypal IPN and stick to the original paypal contribution.






Did you find a solution to the single character showing up for the country in the addresses on your packing slips and invoices?


I offered some suggestions that didn't work for you. Now, all of a sudden, I have the same problem. Was wondering if you tracked it down?


I suspect a problem in includes/functions/general.php since I recently modified it to fix another problem (the code change was found in one of the forums). I tried to revert to the original general.php but that just brought that problem back and I can't tell if the country would have printed correctly or not.

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Hi Aspenshops,


sorry, i haven't been around the forums lately. But i haven't found a solution to the address problem yet. I noticed that u do have Paypal IPN 1.3 installed as well. Did u have any further problems? I had to un-install Paypal IPN and stick to the original paypal contribution.





I did get this contribution to work with the Paypal_IPN contribution. Be careful, there is more than one Paypal contribution out there. I got mine to work with the one titled: "osCommerce PayPal IPN Module v1.0 For 2.2MS2".


The problem with the country being printed with only one character was resolved, but not cleanly. First, there was a typo in the /functions/general.php file and secondly, due to a change in the OSC update of 060817 that fix got messed up again. The problem stays fixed in the Admin side of things, but the customer's online view of invoices and packing slips still has the problem. It would require a major rewrite of code to completely fix things.


I have switched to ZenCart so have not worked with OSC for about a month. As a result my memory is a bit fuzzy on the details of all the fixes, however they should be documented in the threads. You can do a search on my username (aspenshops) and I believe all the relevant info will come up.





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hi,I have problem with sent email invoice


I have begin with this error:


Warning: main(DIR_FS_ADMINDIR_WS_LANGUAGES/FILENAME_ORDERS_INVOICE): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dri8078/public_html/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 14


Warning: main(DIR_FS_ADMINDIR_WS_LANGUAGES/FILENAME_ORDERS_INVOICE): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dri8078/public_html/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 14


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'DIR_FS_ADMINDIR_WS_LANGUAGES/FILENAME_ORDERS_INVOICE' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/dri8078/public_html/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 14


am sure admin dir is correct in my local config.php.


if I change line 14







I get this error


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: currencies in /home/dri8078/public_html/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 15


if I delete line 15

$currencies = new currencies();


I get this error


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_db_query() in /home/dri8078/public_html/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 17



if I delete line 17

$orders_query = tep_db_query("select orders_id from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_id = '" . (int)$oID . "'");

I get this error

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: order in /home/dri8078/public_html/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 18


seems sth not passed though


if anyone could help me out would be much appreciate

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Can any one help.

I have always received an order from my oscommerce site (by adding extra my email to the extra orders to section under store configuration)


Yesterday I installed the fancier packaging slip contribution, and since then, I havn't received any notifications.


Please can anyone tell me, if there is a mod that emails the orders to admin, or the script that sends the extra email out




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Hi Guys,


I'm new to this. I install the Fancier Invoice & Packing slip v1.0 contribution but now I get the following error.


Warning: main(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/themp3store.co.za/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/usr/www/users/thempj:/usr/home/thempj:/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php) in /usr/www/users/thempj/catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 30


Warning: main(/home/themp3store.co.za/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /usr/www/users/thempj/catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 30


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '/home/themp3store.co.za/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php/') in /usr/www/users/thempj/catalog/includes/modules/email_invoice/email_invoice.php on line 30



Any ideas?


Please help !!!





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I have a really annoying error to do with the comments.


When html invoices is set to off, I get the email from my shop with what the order is, and any comments made.


However.... when I turn the html invoices to on... I get the fancy invoice, and the order as normal, but the comments left is missing.


The comments section is very important, as it tells me when the customer wants the goods shipped, without having to log into nmy account.


Can anyone tell me how to fix this, so that the comments show in box_invoice.php


Thanks in advance !!

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