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USPS contribution - flat rate boxes etc


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I couldn't find a contribution that properly supported the new Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes or the Global Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelopes - so I dug in and wrote it myself.


It is named "USPS V2 API" as it appears to be (and I may be wrong abot this) the first contribution to support this API. It supports all mail types listed in the API.


It requires the domxl module to be loaded into PHP. I just find it easier to parse XML with an XML parser. I have largely rewritten the response parsing code for domestic and international. International now displays delivery time.


It is not vulnerable to USPS making random changes to the text names of the services returned in the response.


It does not have insurance, machinability or "methods" functionality, though you can limit methods by commenting out the ones you don't want.


This is my first OSC contribution. Comments and suggestions welcomed.


Alastair Young

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I suggest posting an announcement in the contribution announcements section and also add a support thread in that section. Include a link to your contribution.

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