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[Contribution] Ultimate SEO URLs - by Chemo


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yup as I said .. it bears little resemblance to the code as stated in 2.1d updated


Options +FollowSymLinks is commented out


There's no RewriteBase


The rules are different.


My support ends until you install a proper version.


Nowhere did I see where you told me anything about a "proper version" This is straight from the latest update posted on 7/7/08. I made no changes to it whatsoever.


Which version is the "proper version" to use (post date)?

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Nowhere did I see where you told me anything about a "proper version" This is straight from the latest update posted on 7/7/08. I made no changes to it whatsoever.


Which version is the "proper version" to use (post date)?

Ultimate SEO URLS v21d_UPDATED

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If you have v2.1e, how do you uninstall it and install v2.1d_Updated?

Undo the install steps in v2.1e, and do the install steps in v2.1d_Updated


The install of v2.1d_Updated is really easy, I do not know about the other.

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I have a question about this contribution.


Everything is working perfectly but I have one problem with it.

I have a few products where the product's name contains a number.

Now, is there a way to display this number in the URL?




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Ok so I am using 2.1D's .htaccess file and it's still doing the same problem. Should I overwrite the other files with 2.1d's also?

Yes, and check the install file to what changes to files can stay, and reset cache any anything else.


Is it morning already?

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There's too many versions in the contribution list.. :) so, the Ultimate SEO original 2.1d works fine?


I am also experiencing the 404 errors when I try to click on the product list. I've looked at .htaccess, but it seems to be fine. (Its the original one copied from 2.1d)

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There's too many versions in the contribution list.. :) so, the Ultimate SEO original 2.1d works fine?


I am also experiencing the 404 errors when I try to click on the product list. I've looked at .htaccess, but it seems to be fine. (Its the original one copied from 2.1d)


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No I just can't replicate it.


Search your configuration table for configuration_key SEO_URLS_CACHE_RESET


Check that field use_function contains ..





Thanks for your reply.


Do you mean in the /catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php file?


I have this on line 755-769


// Alias function for module configuration keys

function tep_mod_select_option($select_array, $key_name, $key_value) {


while (list($key, $value) = each($select_array)) {

if (is_int($key)) $key = $value;

$string .= '<br><input type="radio" name="configuration[' . $key_name . ']" value="' . $key . '"';

if ($key_value == $key) $string .= ' CHECKED';

$string .= '> ' . $value;



return $string;




and this before the ending ?> tag


// Function to reset SEO URLs database cache entries

// Ultimate SEO URLs v2.1

function tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls($action){

switch ($action){

case 'reset':

tep_db_query("DELETE FROM cache WHERE cache_name LIKE '%seo_urls%'");

tep_db_query("UPDATE configuration SET configuration_value='false' WHERE configuration_key='SEO_URLS_CACHE_RESET'");





# The return value is used to set the value upon viewing

# It's NOT returining a false to indicate failure!!

return 'false';





In the install step 5 says to put this last part before the ending tag. Before the ending tag I have two } like this




In the install step there is only one. If I leave out the one I get a parse errror.


Also, I deleted the catalog/admin/includes/seo_reset_cache.php and the error was exactly the same. I uploaded again and the error is still there

Warning: call_user_func(tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls): First argument is expected to be a valid callback ....


Hope someone can help.

Thanks again!

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Yes, and check the install file to what changes to files can stay, and reset cache any anything else.


Is it morning already?



Ok all the files for USU 2.1d are on my system now and followed the instructions exactly and it still does:




Product not found...


I'm lost...

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Ok all the files for USU 2.1d are on my system now and followed the instructions exactly and it still does:




Product not found...


I'm lost...

I think your link is not right. But your site seems to do what SEO urls are supposed to do.

By the way which wishlist contribution did you use? It looks good!


Thanks in advance

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I just tried it and when I click a featured product it doesn't seem to work, however if I use the category nav, the first time it shoots back to the home page, then the second time it works. This is really odd.




Thanks for the compliments. When I click on a product, it shows that as the URL, what does it do for you?


The wishlist contribution I used is apparently called:


Guest Enhanced Wishlist 3.5 for osCommerce ms2


I believe this is the link:




I don't recall which version of 3.5 I used however.

Edited by games4gamers
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I just tried it and when I click a featured product it doesn't seem to work, however if I use the category nav, the first time it shoots back to the home page, then the second time it works. This is really odd.




Thanks for the compliments. When I click on a product, it shows that as the URL, what does it do for you?


The wishlist contribution I used is apparently called:


Guest Enhanced Wishlist 3.5 for osCommerce ms2


I believe this is the link:




I don't recall which version of 3.5 I used however.


Ok Thanks for the info. When I sort out the SEO contribution I will try it.

I clicked on your featured products and they work fine. The product name is in your url and title the way it should be.

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Ok Thanks for the info. When I sort out the SEO contribution I will try it.

I clicked on your featured products and they work fine. The product name is in your url and title the way it should be.


Hmm ok, well that is good then. What browser? I use Firefox 3 primarily.

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Hmm. I get the following after installation:


The requested URL /directory/product_info.php was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.




FIXED. Wrong settings in .htaccess

Edited by modix
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I upraded SEO to Ultimate_SEO_URLSv21d_UPDATED from FMEDIA.


The problem is that I get links like:








Could someone help please??


Thanks !



Best Regards,


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I just installed the contribution last posted by FWR Media which is 2.1d ORIGINAL UPDATED

I also installed the validation part to redirect the incorrect URLs to correct ones as well.

However I am facing following problems:


1. If I turn this contribution off in the admin>Configuration, my old URLs dont work fine. They just take me to the catalog page with a strange URL like: http://india1imports.com/catalog/index.php?catalog=index.php


2. When I turn it on, my URLs are much simpler and non dynamic as expected, but aren;t my old product page URLs supposed to be forwarded to th enew product URLs. However, if I use my old URL, which is probably already crawled by Google bot, then it says that Product not found.


3. I had updated my paypal.php file some time back to pass on the whole shopping cart to paypal. It works fine after Ultimate SE URL contribution installed without discount coupons, but with discount coupons, it is getting messed up in passing the parameters to Paypal. Why would this contribution affect that at all!!. - See my post at:

http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...39217&st=40 (posted on Jun 7).


4. When I first installe dthis contribution, I was not able to go to from shopping cart to checkout (checkout_shipping.php). The error I was getting was:



2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query


select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from categories c, categories_description cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='1' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name




2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select count(*) as total from sessions where sesskey = '2e5a73ff1e7440adab496739447fac98'





Warning: Unknown(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time. in Unknown on line 0


Its fixed by otself, but I am wondering why that would have happened.

Is my .htaccess file okay?



Thanks to anyone whoe spares time to help me.



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okay, from above post, #3 and #4 are cleared.


Now, I am left with #1 and #2. repeating questions:

After I installed Ultimate SEO URL 2.1d ORIGINAL UPDATED by FWR Media, I have two issues:

1. even after I turn it off in Admin>Configuration, my old URLs are not generated and it takes me to catalog page if I click on any category.

2. How do I make my old URLs redirected to the new URLs. Seems like there is a swich in the configuration, but I have turned it on and it does not work still.




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okay, from above post, #3 and #4 are cleared.


Now, I am left with #1 and #2. repeating questions:

After I installed Ultimate SEO URL 2.1d ORIGINAL UPDATED by FWR Media, I have two issues:

1. even after I turn it off in Admin>Configuration, my old URLs are not generated and it takes me to catalog page if I click on any category.

2. How do I make my old URLs redirected to the new URLs. Seems like there is a swich in the configuration, but I have turned it on and it does not work still.





I think we'd need to see a link for this one.

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