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Category show all sub-cat products?


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I've looked through every contrib, and a zillion posts. Can't seem to find the answer.


Right now, if a category has no products and has sub-categories, when you click the category the subcategories are shown for you to select.


What I would like to happen is one of two things, either:


You click a category with no products and subcategories under it and are taken to the first subcategory (not shown the choices for subcats, just go straight to the first sub-cat). I've seen this on other sites just don't know how they did it.




You click a category with no products and subcategories and are shown a choice of the subcategories at the top (like now) but with a list of ALL products in all subcategories for that category under that. So basicly the subcategories are just a way to narrow down what you are looking for... such as this:


DVD's: click DVD's and you get a choice of subcategories such as "Action", "Comedy", "Drama" and under that is a list of all DVD's regardless of subcat, then when you select "Comedy" you will just see the comedy DVD's...


Does this make sense?


I looked for a contrib with no luck, and couldn't find any posts on the subject so I thought I would ask. Hopefully someone has already done this. :)


Thank you for any help you can give me, I appreciate it.


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