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The e-commerce.

Installation HELP

Ken Eppers

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We have not moved the Domain to new Host, so we are using FTP and a servered sided managment software the Host provided called Webby v4.0. I installed the catalog folder from oscommerce to the HTDocs folder as requested, in the catalog folder resides the OScommerce Admin folder. I created a database with Webby v4.0 but not sure where on the server it is residing. I then went through the install of OScommerce which veified the install, but when I get to end on install and click on anything to see if it works I get this as an example:


Go to the DNS number/catalog and I get the OScommerce page, then clcik on Login:


And I get this response: ( get this with everything) :'(


Not Found

The requested URL /catalog/:// was not found on this server.

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We have not moved the Domain to new Host, so we are using FTP and a servered sided managment software the Host provided called Webby v4.0. I installed the catalog folder from oscommerce to the HTDocs folder as requested, in the catalog folder resides the OScommerce Admin folder. I created a database with Webby v4.0 but not sure where on the server it is residing. I then went through the install of OScommerce which veified the install, but when I get to end on install and click on anything to see if it works I get this as an example:


Go to the DNS number/catalog and I get the OScommerce page, then clcik on Login:


And I get this response: ( get this with everything) :'(


Not Found

The requested URL /catalog/:// was not found on this server.


You need to check your configure.php files as you should not have the ip address again after the /catalog. That is like having yourdomain .com/catalog/yourdomain.com and we all know that is not going to work.

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BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??

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You need to check your configure.php files as you should not have the ip address again after the /catalog. That is like having  yourdomain .com/catalog/yourdomain.com and we all know that is not going to work.


All php files seem to be in either my catalog folder or in my admin folder. configuration.php is in my admin folder that is included in my catalog folder.


As this is my very first shopping cart, I am totally lost, other than i know all the files go into the HT DOCS folder

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